End of a new week.. or is it the beginning?.. hmm

Hey everyone, another week has just flew past and another has just begun. Hope you all had a great week and weekend as well.. I know I did.

Well this week was quite hectic actually, lots of work to do. I had a Chemistry test first thing Monday morning.. what a way to start the week, sigh… but it went pretty well. Our tutors in charge of labs have been messing us up quite a bit.. returning books late and then marking them like crazy people, I hope it gets sorted out this week, my friend still hasn’t gotten their lab book from LAST WEEK! Talk about crazy late! On the bright side, the Chemistry labs were satisfyingly easier than the previous week’s labs… SCORE!
I finally switched the time of my Biology class (Yay no more late evenings!!!), but I couldn’t find it this week, so next week I’ll try hard to be there =). Biology labs from last week were also a bit stressful at the end.. time was running out and I started to panic because my results were coming out really weird. But thanks to my really cool lab partner and we were able to finish AND clean up in time ^_^.

On Saturday I finally cut my hair!!  I had planned to do it earlier, like in September, but my hair still looked too short (it’s texturised, but my hair is really unruly haha). No one believed I would do it, not even my sister! But I showed them :P. I’m thinking if I should post before and after pictures here, comment before and tell me if I should. I was planning this change from long hair for quite some time actually, I’m pretty happy with the results and hope that my hair texture experiment comes out well.

Also on Saturday, my family (Dad, Mom, Sister and me of course :P) went to dinner at Sitar with my Great-Uncle and his family (cousins hehe). Sitar is a traditional Indian cuisine restaurant with an extensive menu worth the buck… let’s just say that by the end of the night it was a wonder how we were able to move from our seats. The food was really good and the service was just as good. Sitar is located in 2nd Street St.James in case you would like to visit it, It’s a bit chilly inside because of the air conditioning (although they did raise the temperature when we asked) so I would advise carrying a light jacket.

So for starters we had some Chicken and Vegetable Samosas, these were packed with filling and tasted amazing! We also had some Daal Vada (split pea patties), Onion fritters (can’t remember the real name) and a variaty of condiments: a tomato-based sauce (one of my favourites), yogurt and cucumber sauce (very nice), coconut and onion sauce, chopped onions, mango chutney (delicious!). And of course NAN bread! We also had Pappadums which is like the Indian equivalent to prawn crackers, but it was huge, bigger than my face! It was very light , like a snack  but not too salty.

For the main course, I had Chicken Tikka Masala… yum, with basmati rice (not so much a fan of this type of rice but it went well with the dish).It wasn’t over overpoweringly spicy, just nice and mellow. Tasted great!

My dad, mum, great-uncle .. in fact  most of the adults had Chicken Tandoori which came in a hot.. now when I say hot I mean so hot that sizzling and popping sounds were coming from the dish ( I think it was a cast iron dish), even the sauce was bubbling! see what I mean here:

My sister had some green goop… when not really green goop but it looked pretty um.. I’ll just let you judge for yourself. It was called Beef Saag (spinach-based sauce) and she seemed to like it…I didnt dare touch it.. for fear I would be taking in by it like one of those Calvin & Hobbes comics. hahahaha. Take a look yourself.

Yup and that was pretty much my weekend, excluding my many hours of catching up on notes, writing up biology labs and doing miscellaneous classwork and chores.
How was your weekend, and what’s your take on Indian cuisine? Like it, hate it, never had it.. couldn’t be bothered? Drop me a line anyway =) I’d love to hear from you. Until then,I’ll leave you with this fun blast from the past haha:  Calvin Food Struggle !