Relaxing is IN!

So just another update, on this week I finally had enough time to watch TV! OMG unbelieveable right?  

On Sunday I caught up a bit on Gossip Girl.. oh how I have missed that show! (any gossip girl fans out there?) Season 4 is looking quite promising so far, maybe this once Serena wont just fall for anyone winking at her… Who are I really kidding lolol. And Blair.. what is up with her and Dan, I mean it’s kind of obvious but really.. Blair and Dan…I can see it, but I don’t think I completely agree with it. (absolute CHAIR fan!) Lily is so … I cannot even find the words to describe her. She always wants to clean up messes but why for someone so nice does it always backfire on her? Oh wait, I know, because she has a bad habit of been too secretive and sometimes lying! Would the teenagers on this show learn for once that scheming or blackmailing only makes matters worse, especially if you don’t know the full extent of the situation. But then again, that wouldn’t make it Gossip Girl anymore lol. I love the show, but sometimes I really want to hit sense into the characters who never seem to learn from their mistakes *cough* Serena *cough*. But, that’s the topic of another post!

Old GG pic, but look Jenny looks HUMAN!

I know this is again really late, butttt I finally watched the season finale of season 1 of Glee and it was AMAZING! Of course, they should have won and by some Hollywood miracle I was expecting it, but I think it was a better ending that they didn’t win as it seemed more realistic, although in the end they are winners and even got their room back thanks to Sue! Quinn had her baby! Yay! But whyyy oh why did she give it up, I understand being in school and not being totally ready, but how can you give up your own flesh and blood, it’s not as simple as giving up a pair of shoes you like and even that is hard. But now she wont be able to hold her baby or talk to her or anything 😦 It’s pretty sad. On the bright side however, the baby (Beth) is going to Rachel’s mom (whose name I am yet to remember lol), so maybe she’ll have a great home where Quinn could visit her if the circumstances allow. You know what else was great about this episode, the “L bomb” was dropped 3 times! Finn and Rachel, Schuester and Emma, and finally Puck and Quinn (how cool is that!) You know what else would be cool (not to annoy anyone out there reading this), but if Mercedes and Kurt could somehow be together, despite him being gay. They are like the perfect match! The episode when Mercedes song “I Bust the Windows out your car” by Jasmine Sullivan was one of my all time favourites. Poor Mercedes didn’t realise Kurt was gay, and was trying to show that she liked him, it would have been great if he had liked her back and not liked Finn.

I’m a GLEEK!

So another thing I was catching up on was my Korean drama for the time-being, “I’m Sorry, I love you” also known as “Mianhada, Saranghada”. It is one of the saddest and most dramatic dramas I have ever watched and I am absolutely hooked. I don’t like how sometimes the characters seem so schizophrenic with their emotions though, it can be a bit annoying, but I understand why. (e.g. hiding emotions from someone you like for a very good reason)It’s definitely work a watch though especially with SO Ji Sub playing CHA Moo Huyk and IM Su Jung as SONG Eun Chae. I will not be saying much more on this drama until the end, but you can watch it as well or read about it here.

Mianhada, Saranghada

Read About it
Watch it here You can also check it out on YouTube.
I’ll be leaving you with this number from Miss Amber Riley…Enjoy your week!

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