Stress is easing :)

Hey everyone, another post (yay I remembered!) I really must treat my blog better lol. Well continuing from Sunday’s post with my hectic week, this week is actually proving to be quite the improvement but, I don’t want to speak too soon to jinx it.

I had my biochemistry test which I did have time to study for, but I made the terrible mistake of misreading one of the instruction and it cost me a couple of marks. Sigh knowing the lecturers at my school, it was practically impossible for them to understand where I was coming from that morning. (Note to self: NEVER EVER AGAIN in a million years take cold medicine or any other pills for that matter 1. so early in the morning or 2. before a big test! You will regret it!) I felt like I must have been delusional for seeing this particular thing for every time I looked at the paper. But I digress as there is really nothing I can do, besides show them that I am smarter and do well elsewhere.

My Chemistry practical today went fairly well, but it’s usually the proceeding write up which scares me most, hopefully it will not be so bad this week, actually I started early and will hopefully finish on time or even BEFORE time this week.

No Biochemistry practicals this week, HALLELUJAH! I’ll definitely be spending that time working on my Chemistry write-up, studying for Earth Science and making sure I’m up-to-date with the physical chemistry tutorials.

Hope is on the horizon this week, and if I keep pushing I surely wont end up in the dilemma  of last week. So, how is your week going? Stressful? Breezy? Tell me your experiences and how you handle stressful weeks of work or school.

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