OMGHHKP! Yum yum Candy for me!

I am suppppper excited! I cannot say it enough how much happy I am about this post. GUESS WHAT??

I got CANDY YUM YUM from the M.A.C. Quite Cute Collection! It’s a beautiful neon pink lipstick, yes I did say NEON! I fell in love with this lipstick after Leesha (xSparkage) have reviewed and done swatches on them for both her blog and YouTube. You can find the blog post here.

As the M.A.C. website describes it, Candy Yum Yum is a Matte Neon Pink lipstick. It retails for $14.50USD on the official M.A.C. website, however it is currently sold out. My sister actually bought it from a friend of hers for about $36.00BDS, who had a couple pieces from the collection.

I am very happy and impressed by the colour, it goes well with dark skitones as well as lighter ones (as seen on xSparkage). If you’re looking for a more stand-out colour and you don’t prefer red, this is definitely for you. It warms up to your skintone.

I was so excited when my sister brought it home that we tried it out before taking pictures hahah, such is life. The sad thing is however, is that I think the heat in Barbados is causing it to “sweat” so it has to be stored in a cool place, but that was just tonight. We’ll see how much sweating it does.

So the moment you’ve been waiting for, the pictures and swatches! (Let me note, the lipstick is slightly less bright in colour than shown here when on the lips, it is possible that the flash could have affected the colour. It is still a very beautiful and striking colour.)

Hiding in the packing…
A gorgeous Neon PINK!

This is exactly what I said about the “sweating”, it’s really hot in Barbados!

Swatched on my hand
Using my sister as a lipstick model haha!
This is without lip liner or base.

There you have it, the lovely “Candy Yum Yum”, just scrumptious! 


Make me Crazy!!

(Photo courtesy of Sigma Beauty)

I’ve been eyeing this brush set since December 2010, and I can’t wait to save up enough to buy it.

This set includes:
Eyeliner – E05 
Pencil – E30
Tapered Blending – E40
Eye Shading – E55 
Large Shader – E60
Small Angle – E65
Medium Angled Shading – E70
Large Powder – F30 
Large Angled Contour – F40
Duo Fibre – F50 
Foundation – F60 
Concealer – F70 

1. It’s a gorgeous colour- PURPLE!
2. I have read a lot about the quality of Sigma brushes and it seems they are very outstanding
3. The set has every single brush one could possibly need to start off their kit.
4. The price is not bad compared to that of higher-end brushes separately. (Like M.A.C. for instance, especially here it is veryyy expensive)
5. Again I LOVE THE LOOK and the convenience of this set!

Monkeys, Penne, Brownies

OKO… The titles of my posts as I have realised recently, are MAJORLY BORING! So, I’m going to find a way to spice up these titles, either that or I may just have a really boring life, like hasn’t that thought crossed my mind a million times.
Suddenly while blogging, I get the oddest craving for brownies… random sauce anyone? Ok, this post is as random as I’ll let it get for one night. You probably think I’m going out of it hahah. Well, maybe I just am..

Anyway, for more random sauce from me, follow my twitter! I try to tweet often, not saying much of it will make sense, but.. it’ll be random OF COURSE!

Follow me! TWEEEEEET!

Some BROWNIE LOVIN’ (photo courtesy of:



I’ve been having mostly challenge related posts lately because at the moment those are easier to think up. If you didn’t know, it’s because I have final exams that I haven’t actually blogged as much. Though, I’m trying to keep my YouTube and Twitter accounts lively. (So you can follow me on either of those, I’ll place so links to each).
I tweet, You tweet, Let’s Tweet!
Tequila Sunset…Lastest Tutorial (may be doing a post on this)

I had a productive week, or at least I think so. I’ve just completely finished studying for my foundation exam (Caribbean Civilisation) and I’m almost finished studying for Earth Science, which are both this week. So I’m really happy about that now! Not to mention, I have started to study bits and pieces for my exams next week (Biochemistry and Chemistry) and I will go full speed on those starting from tomorrow. I think it’s actually some pretty good time-management or rather self-management (if I do say so myself hehe). The occasional distractions from messenger, Facebook, and family actually did a lot more good than bad, sometimes you do have to slow down and break, and I can say now, that I am sort of happy for those distractions (though I’d never say it to them lolol).

During the long weekend, actually on Sunday, I almost broke my sleep record. Oh yeah, in case I never said this.. I’m a connoisseur of a good sleep hahaha, and I mean it! If I have nothing to do or I’m just really tired, I WILL sleep until the cows come home.. or the bed flips over, whichever happens first. Sunday, I slept a total of 17 hours, you could call it straight if intermittent periods of light slumber count. I know it sounds really lazy, but believe me when I say I have been beating the books and they have been putting up a good fight. I have had so many late nights, the thing is though, I just seem to do my studying best at night when all is quiet or when no one is around. So anyway, exhausted as I was, I slept 17 hours, my current record is 18 hours. Needless to say, I was completely well rested and ready for the day.. well actually the night, but I digress.
All in all, nothing special this Easter, just some good old studying.

I hope everyone has enjoyed their Easter weekend, and continues to enjoy the Easter vacation for those who are on vacation. For those like me with final exams, I’d like to wish you the best of luck, happy studying and MASH UP THOSE EXAMS!


30 Day Song Challenge- Day 7 & 8

Another day some more songs… I have so forgotten this already HAHAHA.

Day 07: A song that reminds you of a certain event

Reminds me of an event… hmmm. I think I’d choose Higher than High by Machel Montano because it reminds me of the days when I used to play steel pan with my school band and that song was one of the most fun ones I remember. We went to many events and played that song and I just remember always having a blast.

Day 08: A song that you know all the words to

Ok so there would be tons of songs in this category because I always like to look up the lyrics to songs I’m currently liking. But for this one, I’ll put one of my favourite Lady GAGA (woooot) songs :). Enjoy PAPARAZZI!

30 Day Song Challenge- Day 5 & 6

Here’s day 5 & 6, hope you enjoy 🙂

Day 05: A song that reminds you of someone

There are a lot of songs that remind me of someone, but currently it would have to be Rolling in the Deep by Adele. Not only do you feel everything that she’s saying and she’s a great singer, but this song is very potent and well-sung. I cannot say enough about the meaning within the words and the singer’s voice. So here we have it Rolling in the Deep.

Day 06: A song that reminds of you of somewhere

I’m not sure of this at the moment but I’ll update this post with a song to fill this gap. UPDATE!
So I remember this song called Palance, it reminds me of a trip to Trinidad and a great party with fellow science students. Everyone was dancing and having fun, despite the rough week we had. It was really a great experience. (this is actually the first time I have seen this music video, and I can admit, I like the randomness lol, where did Cookie Monster come from??)

Well I’m off for now, test to write and studying to do!


Hello all, I don’t even know why I’m excited but, my wisdom teeth are coming up!!! I know right most people are bummed by the thought and the pain that comes along with them, but so far so good. I recognised it like 1 week or so ago. I’m hoping that mine doesn’t decide to hurt me like some people’s. Maybe I’ll be lucky ^__^.
So anyway, that’s the end of this post, I have like nothing more to say haha… Oh wait exams are around the corner and I may post less. But I don’t want to do that because I already lost so little. I will try to keep up 🙂

Smiles and Tooth fairy dreams!

30 Day Song Challenge- Day 3 & 4

Here’s today’s two songs! (Would have had them up earlier, but I had to study..    -__-)

Day 03: A song that makes you happy

This would have to be Gee by SNSD (Girls’ Generation), it’s really catchy and bouncy. And although it’s in korean, I know some of the words hehe and mumble, sing and dance along. It is definitely a sugar-coated song, the theme behind it is the typical love story, girl likes boy. You can listen to it here and read more on the lyrics below the video.

Day 04: A song that makes you sad

 Seems like I’m into the Asian songs in this post, but it’s because I like to be diverse with my cultures and music, I actually have three songs for this category. The first song is from the “Fated To Love You” song track, this was the first really sad/ dramatic Asian drama (Taiwanese) I had watched and was actually quite funny at the same time. I don’t know how they did it, but I loved it immensely. This is “Wo De Kuai Le”, english name “My Happiness” by Walkie Talkie (Jin Xiu Er Chong Chang). I actually do know ALL of the words to this, strange I know, but again I really love this song. I tried to play the piano to this and being that I’m such a bum, it was pretty hard, but there are lots of covers on YouTube of it. Do enjoy!

The Next two songs are from the same drama, and this one was sadder from the first, I’m glad I watched this one after FTLY because it was a good transition into the saddest show that I have ever watched. I am currently watching “I’m Sorry, I love you”, but that is the topic of another post. The drama I am talking about is “Autumn’s Concerto” also known as “Next Stop Happiness”, it is really a touching story. Anyway, the first song from this drama that I fell in love with was one of the opening songs “Wo Ai Ta” by Della Ding. I find It strange how FTLY had a similarly named song, but they were completely different years and i’m sure ideas have clashed many times in the entertainment industry. This song is very deep, you feel every emotion although it is not in English, which is a lot for a song to do, it gets its point across well. Once again I know the lyrics to this too hahaha, but I’m sure after you hear it you’d want to know them as well.

This final song is also from Autumn’s Concerto, “Wo yi wei” by Victor Huang. I do not all the words to this one but I definitely understand the sentiment. This song puts my in a mood of solemness and deep thought. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

That’s it for this post, maybe another in the next two days or so, depends on how studying goes.

30 Day Song Challenge

Hey all, I found this challenge thanks to my good friend, Ashley. I was going to just do it on my twitter, but why not add a blog post. That way a year from now I can always come back and look at it. I think I’ll be doubling up on days, as I may easily forget to post EVERYDAY. 

The website where she found this fun challenge, click it!
Day 01: Your favourite song
Day 02: Your least favourite song
Day 03: A song that makes you happy
Day 04: A song that makes you sad
Day 05: A song that reminds you of someone
Day 06: A song that reminds of you of somewhere
Day 07: A song that reminds you of a certain event
Day 08: A song that you know all the words to
Day 09: A song that you can dance to
Day 10: A song that makes you fall asleep
Day 11: A song from your favourite band
Day 12: A song from a band you hate
Day 13: A song that is a guilty pleasure
Day 14: A song that no one would expect you to love
Day 15: A song that describes you
Day 16: A song that you used to love but now hate
Day 17: A song that you hear often on the radio
Day 18: A song that you wish you heard on the radio
Day 19: A song from your favorite album
Day 20: A song that you listen to when you’re angry
Day 21: A song that you listen to when you’re happy
Day 22: A song that you listen to when you’re sad
Day 23: A song that you want to play at your wedding
Day 24: A song that you want to play at your funeral
Day 25: A song that makes you laugh
Day 26: A song that you can play on an instrument
Day 27: A song that you wish you could play
Day 28: A song that makes you feel guilty
Day 29: A song from your childhood
Day 30: Your favourite song at this time last year

Here are today’s songs:
Day 01: Your favourite song 

Currently, I’ve been loving a lot of songs, but compared to all of the rest, I find myself waking up to this and remembering through the day. It seems to keep me peppy and happy, surprisingly. Of course I don’t know all of the words, nor do I use the F- word as he does in this video and wished that the music video had the clean version, but it’s still a great song over all. Definitely a pick you up when you’re feeling down. Singing along and dancing! The Glee version of this is amazing too. I love them both!

Day 02: Your least favourite song
Um.. My least favourite song, I don’t really think I have one of those on my list, but I will put on of my favourites.I’m very attached to my favourite songs so, I don’t thing I could but one that I like more than the other, they all have different meanings to me. Rude Boy by Rihanna! BARBADOS REPRESENT!! This is really a fun and sexy song, and I love it. Enough said hahaha.


I haven’t slept since 12 a.m

Hey all, just a random post. How was everyone’s week, good I hope. I can’t even remember half of mine hahaha, but that’s just the randomness of my brain. 
As much as I do remember is that I have been sleeping some really weird hours, but it’s working out pretty fine. I’d come home, then fall asleep 4 p.m. or 5 p.m or something like that  and wake up around 11 p.m or 12 p.m. which makes me miss quite a number of distracting things like T.V, but then it’s nice and quiet and I can work much better. I was always a person to study at night or in the early hours of the morning, and I really find it very good that my body is setting it’s pace for work (if you get what I mean). Exams are around the corner so, I really need to jump into exam mode. 
The only downside to this is, usually I have classes in the morning and if i study and then go back too sleep, I never want to wake up! HAHAHA. So this whole sleep early wake up in the night thing is both good and bad. 
I’ve been productive tonight though, editing a video, uploading it, writing a blog post on it and even studying as the video loaded. I should study some more because I have test coming up this week, so I ‘ll be ending this post.

Hope you all have a great weekend, not sure if i’ll post any other time this weekend sadly. If you’re reading this post, you could leave a comment about your sleeping and study habits. I’d love that, plus it would be like tips to help me out.

Cheers to the frickin’ weekend!! (Photo courtesy of:

Thanks for reading~