
I’ve been having mostly challenge related posts lately because at the moment those are easier to think up. If you didn’t know, it’s because I have final exams that I haven’t actually blogged as much. Though, I’m trying to keep my YouTube and Twitter accounts lively. (So you can follow me on either of those, I’ll place so links to each).
I tweet, You tweet, Let’s Tweet!
Tequila Sunset…Lastest Tutorial (may be doing a post on this)

I had a productive week, or at least I think so. I’ve just completely finished studying for my foundation exam (Caribbean Civilisation) and I’m almost finished studying for Earth Science, which are both this week. So I’m really happy about that now! Not to mention, I have started to study bits and pieces for my exams next week (Biochemistry and Chemistry) and I will go full speed on those starting from tomorrow. I think it’s actually some pretty good time-management or rather self-management (if I do say so myself hehe). The occasional distractions from messenger, Facebook, and family actually did a lot more good than bad, sometimes you do have to slow down and break, and I can say now, that I am sort of happy for those distractions (though I’d never say it to them lolol).

During the long weekend, actually on Sunday, I almost broke my sleep record. Oh yeah, in case I never said this.. I’m a connoisseur of a good sleep hahaha, and I mean it! If I have nothing to do or I’m just really tired, I WILL sleep until the cows come home.. or the bed flips over, whichever happens first. Sunday, I slept a total of 17 hours, you could call it straight if intermittent periods of light slumber count. I know it sounds really lazy, but believe me when I say I have been beating the books and they have been putting up a good fight. I have had so many late nights, the thing is though, I just seem to do my studying best at night when all is quiet or when no one is around. So anyway, exhausted as I was, I slept 17 hours, my current record is 18 hours. Needless to say, I was completely well rested and ready for the day.. well actually the night, but I digress.
All in all, nothing special this Easter, just some good old studying.

I hope everyone has enjoyed their Easter weekend, and continues to enjoy the Easter vacation for those who are on vacation. For those like me with final exams, I’d like to wish you the best of luck, happy studying and MASH UP THOSE EXAMS!


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