30 Day Song Challenge 15- 19

Goodness me, I completely forgot this… So I will try to finish it as quickly as possible. 4 or more songs a days sounds good to finish this up.

Day 15: A song that describes you
A song which describes me, that’s hard because I don’t exactly know how to describe myself. Ke$ha’s “We R who We R” will have to suffice. That’s really fun too, because I got Jesus on my neck-a-lace and that glitter on my eye!

Day 16: A song that you used to love but now hate
I remember when I was younger and really like Kissed by a Rose by Seal, then as I got older I realised I really didn’t like the lyrics. They really sucked to me. The beat is still nice and I can still find myself singing it. But I actually don’t like this song.

Day 17: A song that you hear often on the radio

Since it is currently Crop Over in Barbados, this would have to be WORK by Lil Rick. The song speaks for itself, it’s addictive and I understand why they play it so often.

Day 18: A song that you wish you heard on the radio
Ring Ding Ding by SHINee, but the only way it’s hear that is if I was in some Asian country like korea, because they’re a South Korean Boy band. This song is so addictive as is the dance.

Day 19: A song from your favorite album

Definitely a Lady Gaga song from her second album, the Fame Monster, TELEPHONE! I absolutely love that, I could see myself playing that if I were annoyed and getting super happy afterwards because it’s about something bad (being ignored) but it’s very funny the way she points out to him that she just doesn’t want to talk, she’s busy doing things that make her happy such as dancing.

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