School again.. Jiggidy Jig!

Hey all! Just a quick update on what’s going on this week. University’s started back and you know what that means? Busy, busy, busy and work until it’s coming out of my ears.

Hopefully this semester is going to be good for everyone. I’m a bit worried about my hours, it feels more like I’ll live at school. Last semester I would be at school around the clock using the computers to do my work etc since I had some PC troubles at home, but at least then I’d set out my hours to leave, or lime or just have fun. Now it’s more crazy hour practicals and late night classes -__-. Sometimes I really wonder if it’s all worth it.

I will try my hardest to enjoy the entire semester, and not overwork myself. I missed out on so much TV last semester and really it didn’t make me any better off. All work and no play DOES make Jack a dul boy. hahaha.

So CHEERS to the new semester! I need to sleep already hahaha.Such is the life of a college student.


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