Relax, it’s still me! :D HAIR UPDATE #5

As you may have guessed from my last hair update, I was going to do something drastically different with my hair. I had said that the change might take place the following Wednesday, but it actually happened Wednesday, 13th June. First off , I am very pleased with the results so far! Can you guess what I did?

I relaxed my hair! Yes I know, chemicals are bad especially for my hair type (kinky hair), but as I had been stating in my previous updates, my hair is very thick and takes a lot of time, effort and product to be tamed. Even though I enjoyed seeing my natural texture (cute ringlet curls and even the odd zig zag strands), it was not enough to make me want to maintain the current state of my hair.

I also wanted some more versatility with my hair. Twist-outs, braid-outs, twists and even just wearing it in a puff got very boring for me. It’d take hours to prepare my hair, which included washing, detangling , moisturising and twisting, or what ever else I planned to do for the next day. With my schedule, the only time I put in the most effort to my hair was when I felt like or had something special coming up, because it just took too long to do that weekly.

Just after I had finished at the hair dresser. Excuse the quality please, it’s a cell phone picture.

My hair has grown healthy and strong, and I’m sure it will continue to do so relaxed. Anyway here’s some eye-candy for those of you into healthy hair Open-mouthed smile.

How I choose to style my hair a few days after. I really like this part here. May be my new look 🙂

I was trying to get some waves, so I did some cornrows

I kept these in for 2 days

Results of the braidout. I really liked the waves. This is actually 2 days after I undid them.

Close up of the waves

So I washed my hair and it came out cute and curly!! Pretty cool if you ask me. (wash and go)

Close up of the curls. I just added some spray gel so they didnt frizz as they dried.

Milani Liquif’eye Metallic Eye liner review

Just a quick observation before I start this review. Why are product names so long?! (this isn’t the longest, but geez.)

Right,back to business. Today I’m going to be reviewing the Milani Liquif’eye, which I had been hearing a lot about since late last year. EleventhGorgeous and Xteeener along with some other YouTubers were raving about how great this eyeliner was, and I was very tempted to try it. So when I finally saw it back in stock in Diamond Girl, I had to grab one quick! (thank goodness too, because the next time I went there, they were out of black again). It was $10-15BDS (I forget exactly) for this eyeliner, kind of pricey, but at least it’s worth it! Temptalia also reviews these here.


I picked up the black eyeliner and it is a very intense black. It lasts all day and even seems waterproof (once you don’t rub your eyes). Definitely does not smudge once it’s set, and I haven’t had and irritation with my eye either. I remember I would use this cheap black eyeliner, that would disappear from my waterline the second I put it on, and made my eyes water so bad! It never set, so it constantly smudged. It was horrible.

The Liquif’eye takes about10 seconds to dry completely, and within that time you can do all the smudging you want because it’s soft like butter (so soft even that while I was doing swatches the point broke off). The black is a satin finish, which glides on very easily and does not tug at my eyelids. When I’m ready to take it off, it’s actually very easy. Just place one of my Almay eye makeup remover pads on the area for about 5 seconds or less and swipe it right off. What I really hate though, is sharpening this product. It feels like a lot of it goes to waste that way.

The swatch on the right was the eyeline rubbed vigorously after setting. You would in no way rub your eye like this.
The swatch on the left was tested for water-resistance. Unless you plan on rubbing while your eyes are still wet, you’re not going to see any bleeding of the eyeliner.


  • Good Pigmentation
  • Glides on easily (like butter)
  • Smudge-proof after it sets
  • Somewhat waterproof  (doesn’t say on packaging, but seems that way)
  • Paraben-free
  • Lasts ALL day (minimal fade)


  • Pricey
  • Little product (feels like u waste it sharpening)
  • Sells out quickly, so stock up when you can

The Raw Sugar:
Besides the price here in Barbados and wastage caused by sharpening, this is a great eyeliner, I’d definitely recommend it to everyone. It’s pigmented, comes in a few colours other than black, it’s smudge-proof and waterproof, PLUS it lasts all day!


Disclaimer: I was in no way compensated for this review. I bought this product with my own money. Pictures are my own.

The net has been a….

Hey all! SO I haven’t posted in a while. I could blame part of it on being lazy, but most of it on the internet. I have barely been getting by! I have some posted saved on my computer of a review and an update coming up.

I think I may write some more reviews and schedule them to pst too so when the net eventually comes back full force I won’t be so behind. (I havent blogged in almost 3 wekks!) I feel so bad!
Anyway, how are you guys doing? Hopefully not as many internet troubles as me. When it’s good it’s good, and when it’s bad, it’s really bad!

The short holiday with my friends was a bit stressful, but everything came off pretty well, the only thing that I couldn’t prevent from happening was catching a cold from my friend, Blackman. Sad really. We put in hardwork to keep things running smoothly, but we still had some fun. Great job people! I wonder what interesting things the future will hold for us.

I had my first experience doing make up for someone, besides my self for an event just the other weekend. I was so nervous, but my awesome friends assured me I could do it, and I did. I think she really liked it, so I’m pretty happy. ^__^

Not much to report otherwise. I’ve been trying to keep up with my subscriptions, but this internet issue is really unnerving me. First outages, then no wifi, then steady internet with a cable, then low speeds… and the list  goes on. Seriously, it feels like it’s slowly killing the chill part of my summer.

Hope you’re having better luck than me…


Lazy Sunday Chit Chat: Holidays & Filming

Hey all! I am currently deep conditioning my hair. It’s been in for about 3 hours already. I’ve done most of what I’m supposed to do for today. But now I’m pretty bored, so why not write a blog post!

I had posted recently about a hair update and quite honestly, I didn’t have the time to get anything done Wednesday, so my hair’s the same for right now, but should be changing in about 2 weeks. YAY, get ready for it!

I am actually going on holiday tomorrow with some friends for a week. After all the plannng it took, I can finally say I’m getting excited. Funny because it’s just one day remaining and just yesterday I was still a bit worried about things I had forgotten to do hahah.

I’m been on my YouTube drinking up other peoples videos and enjoying myself hahaha, but I did have some videos filmed to put up. However I’m not sure I will, because the background is offsetting me too much. (really have to work on that) So I may just refilm those while I’m on vacation.

Also I did remember about my 200 subscriber contest. Trust that I didn’t forget. I really want it to be for Caribbean and USA residents since I have many subscribers from those regions, but I’m not sure if I’d be able too (with these ridiculous shipping rates). If I wait a bit longer, I may be able to have it as that, as well as add a few more cool prizes. However if I have it now, I’d just be able to hold the contest for Barbadian, maybe Caribbean viewers. I’d really love some of feedback on the contest though. So be sure to leave a comment and let me know.

Another thing I always forget to blog is reviews! I’ve used some hair products and many are empty now even, but I still forget to post a review. So I’ll be gettign to that shortly. Maybe another Review-a-day series? Did you like the one from January? But this time just hair products, if I have enough for that many posts.

Hmm what else? I cant think of anything more.
I could have probably filmed a video and made this shorter, but like I said, I’m deep conditionign my hair, so I look pretty whack ahahaha. Leave any request for posts or videos in the comments of course.

Love you all!