Relax, it’s still me! :D HAIR UPDATE #5

As you may have guessed from my last hair update, I was going to do something drastically different with my hair. I had said that the change might take place the following Wednesday, but it actually happened Wednesday, 13th June. First off , I am very pleased with the results so far! Can you guess what I did?

I relaxed my hair! Yes I know, chemicals are bad especially for my hair type (kinky hair), but as I had been stating in my previous updates, my hair is very thick and takes a lot of time, effort and product to be tamed. Even though I enjoyed seeing my natural texture (cute ringlet curls and even the odd zig zag strands), it was not enough to make me want to maintain the current state of my hair.

I also wanted some more versatility with my hair. Twist-outs, braid-outs, twists and even just wearing it in a puff got very boring for me. It’d take hours to prepare my hair, which included washing, detangling , moisturising and twisting, or what ever else I planned to do for the next day. With my schedule, the only time I put in the most effort to my hair was when I felt like or had something special coming up, because it just took too long to do that weekly.

Just after I had finished at the hair dresser. Excuse the quality please, it’s a cell phone picture.

My hair has grown healthy and strong, and I’m sure it will continue to do so relaxed. Anyway here’s some eye-candy for those of you into healthy hair Open-mouthed smile.

How I choose to style my hair a few days after. I really like this part here. May be my new look 🙂

I was trying to get some waves, so I did some cornrows

I kept these in for 2 days

Results of the braidout. I really liked the waves. This is actually 2 days after I undid them.

Close up of the waves

So I washed my hair and it came out cute and curly!! Pretty cool if you ask me. (wash and go)

Close up of the curls. I just added some spray gel so they didnt frizz as they dried.

4 thoughts on “Relax, it’s still me! :D HAIR UPDATE #5

  1. Because my hair isn't relaxed bone straight, my natural curls allows it to be like that when I wash my hair. You would have to relax for less time than recommended, or your hair would just be resistant to relaxer like mine is.

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