Lazy Sunday Chit Chat: Bath & Body Works

I dont know if I’d ever said this on my blog before, but I’m totally obsessed with Bath & Body Works! I love their sales, sadly they never seem to reach here :(. Actually there is B&BW available in Barbados, but it’s just the regular lines. Never the seasonal specials, unless you get them from an independent retailer, and sometimes they can be really expensive.

I’d really love to try out the candles. I love calming and sweet yummy scents. I love to see candles really. Even if they aren’t scented. I think it’s the flame that gets me. I love to just watch the soft flicker of a candle.

Anyway as I was saying, Bath and Body works is one thing that I wish was better here in Barbados. I remember when I was younger, we’d get B&BW fragrances, or the fabulous Victoria Secrets lotions. Seeing hauls from there sometimes makes me sad. I just want to go out and buy some and a haul a bunch of candles hahah. I sound totally nuts, but that’s what I’ve been thinking about this Sunday afternoon.

BTW, for those of you lucky enough to get Bath and Body Works, they’re currently having their Semi-annual Sale. It’s just crazy the scale of the sale. 75% of on some items, buy 3 get 3 free, $8 candles, $3 Anti-Bac! WOOP.. where’s my credit card?! hahaha

Happy Shopping to those of you taking part!


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