Lazy Sunday Chit Chat: 50 Shades of Bull

Hey all! I’ve been reading 50 Shades of Grey recently.  Just on whim, I had found the download and I decided that I would have a read. Not even knowing what it was.

I finally got around to reading it, after finishing the entire Hunger Gamers trilogy. Whew that was some intense reading btw! I love hate how it ended. But I digress, I started the first few pages of 50 Shades of Grey, and I wondered why I had such a weird feeling about reading this book. So I decided to check Wikipedia for a synopsis, and boy was I shocked! It’s about BDSM. I nearly had a heartattack.

But, I decided to continue reading because I hate starting books and never finishing them. I must say, some things in this book are rather interesting, however it takes a lot of willpower to want to read any further. I want to know what happens to the characters in the end, and yet at the same time, I want something seriously bad to happen to the female protagonist. She’s just too annoying to me and Christian Grey is an ill humoured freakshow. That’s the best way to describe him.

I have less than 100 more pages to read and I just do not want to read them. This is the most annoying thing ever! How can I not want to read it, yet want to find out what happens at the end of the book? Another thing which is putting me off from this book is knowing there are sequels and thus, the ending will be some sort of lead on junk. Ugh, frustrates me to no end.

Away from crazy books, I have some new videos coming up soon, one will be a short series, directed by my boyfriend, Tyrell, so be on the look out for it. It’s a Complications of Infatuation (COI) with a twist. Also the boyfriend tag has been requested, so we’ll be working on that soon also.

I am yet to film my $20 (USD, I hope haha) make up challenge. I keep forgetting everytime I come to film. I can say that the part that would worry me the most about this tag is putting on foundation with just my fingers, because I hate stuff under my nails.

I’ve been hoping to bring back my Asian Candy series. I really miss watching Asian Dramas, especially now the local network has decided to start showing one. Jewel in the Palace (Dae Jang Geum). I’m in love with it! So what do you think? Bring back the Asian Drama suggestions monthly?

I hope you haven’t been reading any awful books like me. And if you have hopefully the ending justifies the means. I cannot wait to finish that book. Have a nice Sunday and a great week!


2 thoughts on “Lazy Sunday Chit Chat: 50 Shades of Bull

  1. Well let me say im First Woop Woop… Well im also looking forward to working with You on the videos, I think they will be amazing a little some thing for all of your viewers and subscribers. The book sounds interesting The review was a bit more attractive than discouraging LOL good job on that and i wasnt here for the Asain candy Post but i saw go for it keep ur blog active. Thanx for the post

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