Cantu Shea Butter Leave in Conditioning Repair Cream Review

I’m sure I was to write a review for this a LONG time ago and it really did slip me. But as I was looking to do some reviews, this just happened to pop into my mind. So here goes, the long awaited review.

I used to LOVE this moisturiser. I probably went through 3 jars of this. It was great for moisture, my natural hair and even the texturised hair loved it! There were only 3 reasons why I really stopped buying this product. The price, usage with other products and wanting to try different things.

This product is a white cream and you can definitely tell there is a lot of water in the product. It’s not as thin and  runny as olive oil nor as thick as body lotion, but just a good in between.  I wish I could describe the texture a bit better, or show you a picture, but I have none of this product left. Either way, it was light enough not to weight down my hair or feel like I had in too much product. The cream had a light smell, but it was really nice, I used to love that too, not overpowering for sure.

Did it worked to its claims?

“Stops and mends hair breakages, leaves hair soft, shiny and manageable, formulated for severely damaged, dry or coarse hair”

I would think so on most counts. I hadn’t seen split ends in a long time while I was using it. (BTW I’m not sure about anything actually mending those, that’s baffling to me). My hair was very soft and easy to comb, that was my favourite part. From using this product, I actually realised how much my hair liked moisture (this was before I started spraying daily with water). When you put this in your hair, it does feel like it’s been freshly sprayed and even the hardest of tangles turn into nothing. Shiny, I’m not sure of as my hair was pretty short and frizzed easily too.

Oh and for those of you into fully organic products, this is NOT one. Though it works just as fantastic as those for my hair and it lasts quite a while.

The problems I had with this product was mostly the price. When I first bought this, before natural became popular, might I add, it was around $10- 11. The next time I bought it the price was $15! That is a serious jump! (those extra $4 could have bought me a treatment pack or some gel hahaha.) So that definitely turned me off from it. The next thing was how it layered under gel. Many other people have said that this product balls up and makes disgusting white mess when Eco-Styler Gel is used over it, and this claim is very true. I was so disappointed that it did, otherwise the Cantu Shea Butter Leave in would have made a perfect product for me.


  • Great moisturiser
  • Nice, subtle scent
  • Lots of uses out of a jar


  • Increasing price
  • Layers awfully with gel
  • Not Organic

The Raw Sugar:
I didn’t repurchase this product after I used up my last set, just made my own shea mixture to try out. But for those of you looking for a good moisturiser for daily use or even as a treatment, I’d recommend this. If you have any other products you’d like me to try or review, please leave them below in the comments.


Disclaimer: I was in no way compensated for this review. I bought this product with my money and all opinions are my own. Pictures are not my own.

6 thoughts on “Cantu Shea Butter Leave in Conditioning Repair Cream Review

  1. whaaat? this is £3.99 in england? i believe thats like $2 or something .. i bought it because the main ingredinets are really great 😦 but it does contain some mineral oil at the bottom which i dont use.. :/

  2. Most things are expensiv ein my country, Barbados, because of exchange rates and taxes. Our dollar is about 1/2 the USD.The prices I mention on my blog are in BDS dollars. But it is still a nice product, I really love it.

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