I wasn’t lost.. just very busy

Hey all! It’s been like 8 days since my last post. Seems like a lifetime. I hadn’t even the chance to write you a Lazy Sunday post :(. Nonetheless, I promise I won’t be letting that happen again, at least not without prior warning.

I’ve been out and about since  last week, not even a chance to schedule posts or edit videos. I am trying to put together a Back to School series for my YouTube channel though along with some fall fashion posts for this blog. I tried filming today, but I’m really not sure if I liked the lighting, however, when I come to edit them this eening, I’ll decide if I should refilm them.

I’ve actually been busy with a huge project, not school-related luckily (school doesn’t start until September thank God!). But somethign for a friend. I can’t say too much on it as yet, but I assure you you will either hear more or see more about it later, so keep your eyes peeled!

The contest winner has replied to my email and her prize will be sent out very soon. I thank you all for entering and suggesting more things for me to do on my channel. I will be looking into a few of them. Especially the outfits ones, I have to find somewhere to film those first, as my tripod is very tiny as, is my room along with the clutter hahah.

Once again people are leaving and heading back to their respective countries of study, sad but I can’t wait until next summer to see them again. I felt like we went out or visited each other a lot, but still not enough. So as Summer 2012 closes I have high hopes for next year, and even the remainder of this year.

As a student, it always feels like the year is ending as summer ends, doesn’t it? Anything interesting happen to you this summer? Or did you lounge around at home all day just relaxing? Were you able to use your time wisely or did something like a job or opportunity take up some of your time and kept you busy?

Until next post…


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