Apologies & a HUGE UPDATE!

Hey all! I had actually filmed a video with this update, but I think I may re-film it then post it here. My absence merits no excuse, besides that I was busy with life. I’m really sorry the posting during these last 3 months haven’t been very consistent. I did try to, but I’d run out of ideas, haha. (woops)

As some of you may know, I’m in my final year of university and this semester, although I was doing less courses, the workload was still just as intense. Late hour labs, studying for tests, doing time-consuming tutorials (boy, does it take a while to get used to reading Science journals). On top of that, I had taken a position in the faculty’s student committee, so I have to attend meetings sometimes. It is an interesting experience nonetheless.

Between going to school and coming back home usually more than 8 hours some days, I’d even up studying or doing assignments until late that night, not leaving time to blog or edit videos. Then I had a PC issue somewhere between there :(. It’s weird but, I don’t think my graphics card can handle editing with my current video maker, so I’m trying to work my way around that, until I could try to get another computer, maybe a laptop for editing. Suggestions would be appreciated! But for now, I updated a few drivers and I’m going to try editing again, maybe tonight.

Along with spending more time at school or just away from home, I’ve also been spending some more time with my friends. When I don’t have too much work pending that is. This may be the last time we’re in a setting like this, it’s kind of sad, but hey life goes on.

I also picked up an activity besides the student committee. Something I’ve always wanted to get back into. Swimming. So almost every Saturday I’ve been doing that and pushing myself to get better. Some days it’s really hard because the water is so cold, haha. But it’s fun with the people around you to support you.  Definitely not a Olympic record swimmer, but I am happy I hadn’t lost the knack for it completely.

My exams just finished and if I don’t get a job this vacation, you’ll probably be seeing (more likely reading) a lot more posts. I have a Holiday gift guide in the making. Trying to have that all up before 24th December, so you can get in all that shopping. I also had one last year which was very extensive, so you can check that out as well.

Until next post, I hope you’re all doing well and I hope you spend the Holidays safely. If you still are having final exams, I wish you the best of luck, it’ll be over soon!

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