Seasons Greetings! Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas everyone!!!!
Image is not my own.

I’m up burning the midnight oil, not going to church in the morning or tonight, nor going to Queen’s Park to show off my Christmas best like most Bajans on this day. I’m at home in my PJs, writing this post as some pots of food are on the stove haha. Yip I’m cooking, but I don’t mind, I like the silence of the kitchen and the wonderful scents filling my lungs. My dad is up with me helping.. or may be I’m helping him, I’m not sure hahaha, but we’re doing separate things and working together.

We’re actually taking a break watching this church service as my dad hilariously jokes about the way the service is proceeding. We love God, don’t get us wrong, but it’s a little depressing to watch a Christmas service that goes as slow and dreary as a funeral service. We’re supposed to be HAPPY that Christ came on this day.

I’m not gonna lie a few days ago, actually for most of the month I wasn’t feeling very jolly, but the music, some events and maybe just the spirit got to me and told me to try harder to be happy about Christmas. If you watched my update video posted before this, you would know that I was not completely in the spirit of Christmas. I just kept thinking it was going to be horrible and for the most part it was, full of stress and arguments and I felt like giving up, but there was still that nudging feeling in my side, which told me to work a bit harder. After some really last minute cleaning, shopping and now cooking, I think I understand why. (usually I’m not a last minute person btw)

I think I wrote on it last year. The real meaning of Christmas, the coming of Jesus Christ. I may not be getting physical gifts this Christmas, but it has been a year filled with blessings from God, both physical and otherwise. I’ve had a year of ups and downs, and I would like to invite you to contemplate all the good moments you had, as I do the same and give God thanks.

I must get back to the pots now, I’m trying to get an early Christmas lunch this year. Usually the food is done by 3.. and I sleep like half the day because I dread it so much hahaha. Probably not this year. It’ll  probably still be a bit of stress in the morning, but I’m going to hope for the best! I’ll update you later if I’m not passed out from eating too much haha.

Happy Holidays everyone!!

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