Last Week update & Goals for next week

Hey all!  Last week flew by so fast and was so busy I almost did not recognise it was the start of another week.  Although it is already mid-way through the week,  I going to give you a status update on last week along with some new goals for next week. 
One of my goals was to readthe literature associated with my research project within a week.  I really think that was a bit too ambitious for me.  I got some read,  however due to the language and juat how flooded with actual work I got,  I couldn’t read it all.  However that is going to be a running (long term) goal that I will hopefully have achieved before the end of February.  *fingers crossed*
The next goal I had was to start some planning for an event.  Strangely enough I did for 2 other events during the week and saw progres for this one at the beginning of this week.  I will continue to work on the planning for that particular event next week however.
I remembered to remove all my eye make up before bed!  Yay!  Like the only goal I completed fully,  haha.  I jope to keep in the habit if doing that.  Although I may not wear a boat load of make up to school,  it’s better for your skin and even your lashes,  to clean off the gunk coating them all day long.
I did save some money, but…  Let’s say GFE as mentioned last year,  was this weekend and I ended up spending on transportation and a few items from the expo.  Haul on that later though.  I was so busy the weekend working there,  that I only had time to do pending assignments and instagram a quick pic, so sorry no blog post. BTW you can follow me @thebajanchristina I usually follow a lot of people,  and like more than I post haha.
Finally,  I’m going to list my goals for the rest of this week and next week also.  I am going to usethe KISS rule and as I go on work on harder things, I’ve learnt my lesson being overly ambitious.
1. Edit the product pictures for upcoming blog posts (reviews included).
2. Edit and upload my DIY Lip scrub video. 
3. Work on scheduling time specifically for Organic Chemistry before weekend (it’s very demanding).
4. Remember to post to Instagram for my February photo challenge.
5. Continue to read the scientific journal articles associated with my project.
6. Save some money.
A face of the day from last week using my Wet n Wild trio in “I’m Getting Sunburned”.

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