American Apparel Nail Lacquer "Lipstick" & "Hunter"

Hey all! Today I’ll be showing you some quick swatches of two nail polishes that I recently recieved. These are the American Apparel Nail lacquers in the colours “Lipstick” and “hunter”. Usually when you hear the name of a company known for selling clothes and then cosmetics, people think that it’s junky but surprisingly, these nail polishes are very good quality.

Being kind of lazy, I just swatched them on one nail each, but the colour that you see in the bottle in definitely what you get on your nails. Lipstick only required one good coat, but I did 2 thin ones because I’m prone to smudging my nails, while Hunter would need 2 – 3 coats.

Mind you, these polishes stain your nails, I hadn’t the chance to remove them right away and did I regret it, at least it was just 2 days. Be sure to use base coat so that you avoid that.


Lipstick is a true red, not too pink, not too orange and would make the perfect lip colour HAHA. Hunter reminds me of pine tree leaves, that awesome dark green. Oh I love the smell of Christmas trees. If only this nail polish smelt like pine…I had some trouble taking good shots of Hunter, and I probably will re-take them.


I don’t remember the nail polish having a very strong smell, so that’s always a plus with nail polish. I would love to try more of these polishes. The colours on the American Apparel website are so pretty.  

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