Pond’s Wet Cleansing Towelettes Review

I’m always in search of a good make up remover wipe for those nights when I don’t feel like going through all the steps. Typically, I wear mascara and fix my brows everyday, but when I go out, I wear a lot more make up and after a long night, I just want to come home and sleep, so I was looking for something that would clean off everything and not cost too much, since I am a student.

I found these make up wipes in Collins for $8.20BDS, and you get 15 wipes with are about the size of my face, or slightly bigger. They come in a resealable package so that the wipes stay moist, and there was a fairly pointless box thing around it, that could have been left off. But I do think that it had some info about the product on it.

The wipes are a quilted texture, which makes it practically grab the make up off your face. It takes me one wipe to get all of my face make up off, that is foundation, eye shadows, blush, brows, even false lashes. The wipes are not extremely wet, but it is sufficiently moist, and they are relatively soft.
I didn’t have any problems with the texture or the formula  irritating my face.


After you use the wipe you don’t get that annoying greasy residue and it literally feels like you have washed your face. However, my only peeve with this wipe is the smell. I hate the smell! It reminds me of cleaning fluid, keeps like I’m using a disinfectant wipe on my face. Normally I like the smell of Lysol, but not this close to my face. There is another of these wipes in a white and yellow package, but those cost a bit more. Hopefully those ones smell better than this.

The Verdict:

  • Large wipes
  • Works well to remove make up
  • Sufficiently moist
  • Affordable


  • Only 15 in a package (no larger size)
  • Scent reminds me of disinfectant or chemical cleaner
  • Could be pricey if you wear make up everyday

The Raw Sugar:
Since I don’t often wear a full face a make up, these wipes shold last me a while, but for persons who wear everyday and want to use wipes to remove their make up, this would barely last a month. You would have to buy more than one pack, but considering the low price, it’s not took much out of your pocket for a great wipe.

Where you can find it: Collins Pharmacy (Barbados), Supermarkets (Cherish), Beauty Stores (Caribbean Queen)
Drugstores (USA)

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