Coming to this blog in March!

Hi everyone, I’ve been thinking about making a few changes to my blog, diversifying here and there as well as sprucing up the layout. If all goes well, this is what you can expect in March…
  • A new blog layout!
  • Blog Hop! ( I’ve been seeing a number of these and I would love to get involved)
  • Guest posts (there are so many good bloggers out there, even persons without blogs who I think deserved to be featured)
  • Blogging Schedule (Finally, it’s about time I did this and not be so sporadic about posting, I owe that much to you).

Now get down to the nitty gritty details…

I don’t know if you may have realised the subtle changes, but I’ve been tweaking the layout, adding new pages, removing older ones, as well as addign a blog button. By the time this post is up, the new blog logo and background should be up. (I will definitely miss this chevron one though). I still have a ways to go with the layout as I want to add social media buttons in the sidebar so that I can completely remove them from the top navigation.

I’ve been thinking of participating in Blog Hops as I’ve seen on other blogs. It’s a great way to find new blogs and gain exposure! Still looking into hops to join, but if you know a good few please do suggest, and add my blog button in the sidebar, to your blog if you’d like to as well!  I’ll be leaving a space open for blog buttons from other writers.

I might have finally settled on a blogging scheduled. This is still tentative as I am still a student and soemtimes school must come first, but I will try to schedule posts ahead of time if there be a need to.
I will be trying to post at least 3 times a week*. Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays, with the occasional Guest Post on Thursdays.

Reviews /Beauty Chit Chat/ Hauls- Monday
Fashion/DIY/ Make up Look- Wednesday
Guest Posts- Thursday
Aspiration diaries (goals for the week)/ Random post- Saturday

Hopefully the changes are good and well appreciated. If you have anymore suggestions for improvements, just leave a comment.

*Schedule is subject to change at my discretion.

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