Aspiration Diaries #8

You sometimes you have a big paper to write and you have your topic and resources all ready, but when you start to type/write, it all sounds like a bunch of rubbish? Well that was me this weekend with my AD post. Hope everyone had a great week btw! Here’s my weekly recap, let’s start with the easy stuff.

I did not post more than 4 times on Instagram, my week was fairly dull and as usual filled with work. This week I had not only a test, but also a presentation which required hand-outs and then I decided to do a little extra project work so that I had a bit more results to play with.
 = Christina was busy for most of the week = no fun random Instagram photos.
I’m sorry, but we’ll work on that next week, as it’s just studying and a bit more lab work.

This was a fun photo from 2 weeks ago that I forgot to post. The new tunnel walk-over

As you might have also noticed, posts this week were a bit delayed, so sorry about that. Along with the things I mentioned earlier, I was still trying to tie together my introduction for my write up. But finally, I think it is finished. I found just the information I was searching for and got around to reading it late last week. Then I took the entire of yesterday to put it all together! I’m so proud. I have to get some feedback on it though, so we’ll see how long that feeling lasts, haha.  I haven’t completed my experimental as I had wished, but the references are just about covered. Hallelujah!

As I made mention of last week, I wasn’t eating at the best times, or the best times and I think this week I did so much better. No post-midnight dinners… except for one day, but I was really hungry. The only sad thing is that I was really lazy about drinking water this week. It didn’t appeal to me as it usually does. Probably due to my bag being so heavy from all the stuff I had to tote, but I’ll get back to my routine this week.

I’m working my way around to seriously studying for finals, as I have done bits and pieces here and there, but I have to get to beating those books, starting TONIGHT. At least I finally got around to (more like got motivation to) play with my make up. I did a few recreated looks from an amazing make up artist (I have no idea if she really is), called Maya Mia whom I found on Instagram. She’s very talented and I wish I could do make up, and my eyebrows in particular as well as her. You’ll probably be seeing those make up looks popping up on this blog in the coming weeks, starting this Wednesday.

Finally we’re past the rehashing let’s move on to this week’s goals:

  • Study for finals (no excuses) and take breaks when necessary
  • Hand in my project on time
  • Remember to carry my water bottle
  • Cook/bake something special this week
  • Spend less time playing Word Ruzzle (I’m addicted)

I’m going to give you this quote from last week again because I love it so and I need to learn and live it.

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