Aspiration Diaries #11 & Happy Mother’s Day!

Hey all, last week was a lot more tiring than I anticipated, but alas, here we are another Aspiration Diaries.
Before I begin, I should say HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY to all the mom’s out there! Remember that your children love and need you, even though sometimes they do not always seem so. Respect your children and they will also respect you. Even if you don’t have children, there’s someone somewhere who looks up to you with the respect of a mother.  My mother is very strict and sometimes unreasonable, but even though I am rude to her sometimes, I still love her.

I didn’t post an AD after the recap which I apologise for, I was unwinding with some mindless internet surfing after my exams were finished. Last week, I started work. I’m so grateful to have sometime for this bit of summer, hopefully I can find another job before summer’s over. I have a lot of things planned ahead for this year.


This week, I tried to work on my power point presentation, but ended up sleeping after work haha. This week I should have completed the power point and practised in time for the presentation Thursday. I actually think I may be ready.

Friday, I made some gooseberry syrup, first time for me, and I liked how it came out, of course it didn’t last very long in my house as we love sweet things, But I can’t wait to make more! I also made the KFC biscuits again and every one ended up pigging out haha!


Other than those few things,my week was quite uneventful. I do have some good news though, I will be taking a trip to New York in about 1 week! OMG yes so soon but, I didn’t want to say anything until I was certain. I hope to take lots of photos of the sites,sounds and of course the eats. I could probably do an FOTD post for the days I make up, or perhaps an OOTD, maybe I’ll come up with some really nice outfits there. You can follow me on Instagram (button above right that looks like a camera) to see more. I post at least once weekly lol, but I’m sure more than that for that week. I can’t wait! Of course, there should still be updates on my blog, so don’t forget to follow if you haven’t already.

Anyway, my goals for this week:

  • Complete my presentation and practise it
  • Schedule a few blog posts for during trip
  • Pack before the day of trip haha.

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