Clearasil PerfectaWash Review| Skin Care

I mentioned this product in my April favourites earlier this month and I think it’s a very convenient product. I picked up the Clearasil PerfectaWash on special at Cherish Cosmetique in April, and I love it. It was $15.99 and came with 2 of he cleanser solutions, 1 automatic pump and 3 AA batteries.

So far, I haven’t seen my skin act up any more than it usually does, just the occasional black or whiteheads, which they formula of cleanser doesn’t claim to remove. The solutions contain 2% salicylic acid to prevent acne break outs. For me, that’s fine, but for other people salicylic acid isn’t strong enough.

The pump is automatic and it works quite well. It’s really easy, just place you hand under the nozzle and it dispenses product. A good amount of product is dispensed, however for me since my face is smaller, I could use less. Surprisingly, although I use this almost twice every day I am only half way through 1 bottle. I would say that this cleanser last around 3 months, maybe more.

The formula isn’t overly drying, but I definitely have to apply moisturiser after and I have normal to dry skin, because it does strip the skin of oils. I actually use this to remove my make up, as I only wear BB cream, bronzer and mascara daily and it takes them off quite well. I like than it gives a good lather and washes off really easily, so your face really feels clean.

The scent of the Soothing Plant Extracts cleanser isn’t too strong either, just pleasant and light. I have yet to use the Superfruit Splash formula.

The Verdict:

  • Affordable and great value
  • Cleans well (even make up)
  • Non-irritating
  • Not overly drying
  • Foams well
  • Light scent
  • Automatic pump is convenient
  • Prevents acne
  • Last a long time


  • Availability (product may be discontinued, but still available in stores)
  • Needs refills

The Raw Sugar:
I like the convenience of having an automatic dispenser, however I’m a bit worried about the refills seeing that this product may be discontinued. I’m sure I could figure out something though. The formula is good, gives a nice clean and isn’t too drying. Prevents acne, but I wouldn’t say that it deep cleanses my pores. I wouldn’t say run out and buy it right now unless you can get the refills for it, but it’s a good product.

Where you can find it: Cherish (Barbados), Walmart (USA),,  Online

Disclaimer: This product was bought with my own money and opinions are my own.

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