Songs of the Festival Fever | Festival Friday

Hi everyone, this post is coming to you a bit late today, been somewhat of a hectic week. I really don’t even know where the time went. Before I knew it, today was Friday and I hadn’t gotten to write this post :(. Also don’t forget to check out this week’s Aloha Blog Hop!

Last weekend was filled with steel pan events as I had mentioned in my last FF post. Sadly by the time Sunday rolled around, I did not even feel like going to Pan Pun de Sand. I think it was for the best too, this year unlike previous there were less bands performing and one of my favourite bands, Mosaic wasn’t a part of the line up. I did watch the highlights of the event and both my dad and I enjoyed the Neal & Massy All Stars from Trinidad.

This weekend, I’d really like to go to a Pork Lime but since the week has crept up on me so fast, I doubt that’ll be the case. The Crop Over season is flying by really fast and although there are still lots of events to go to, there are so many that have been missed. See below for what’s coming up this weekend and next week.

Friday, 19th July – Pic-O-De-Crop Semi-finals at the Garfield Sobers Gymnasium (more details here)

Saturday, 20th July – Junior Calypso Monarch Finals at the Garfield Sobers Gymnasium
Sunday 21st July – Crop Over Feast at the Concorde Experience
                             Crop Over Read-IN! at Foursquare Heritage Park
                             Soca on de Hill at Falrey Hill National Park (more details here)
Friday, 26th July –  Crop Over Folk Concert (during the Day of National Significance) at the Frank Collymore Hall

Also I wanted to share some of the festival fever with you, so I’ve created this playlist of some of the Soca songs I’m loving. I can’t even remember hearing any Calypso yet (although the Semi Finals is this week), but that’s because I exist in my little cocoon, hardly turning on the radio as I do work lol. Enjoy!

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