Orangen’t you glad? FOTD | Beauty

Hey all! Recently, I took one of the Beauty Dares on the Michelle Phan website, which was to wear orange lipstick. You might have seen my swatches of the Maybelline Vivids lipstick in Electric Orange, some time in April. It’s a bright orange lipstick which is not for the faint-hearted or a makeup newbie. It is shockingly vibrant!
Also Don’t forget to check out this Wednesday’s WWBH! (click the button below)

That day, I wore the lipstick with a very simple eye- makeup, some bronzer to warm up my complexion, mascara and I groomed my brows (or tried to, at least). Of course, you could wear more eyeshadow, perhaps corals or something contrasting like green or blue, but I really didn’t feel like that day. pfft

Tell me how you would wear a bold orange like this?

5 thoughts on “Orangen’t you glad? FOTD | Beauty

  1. I have to admit while I was reading the post before I scrolled down to see your pic I was thinking, “OMG Orange????” It looks beautiful on you, I really like it! πŸ™‚
    I am always very hesitant with lipstick, I get nervous picking and trying colors so I typically just wear lip gloss and stay in my comfort zone – ha!
    I wanted to invite you to join our Meet & Greet Blog Hop! It runs Tuesday nights till the end of Saturday, come link up if you have some time πŸ™‚

  2. Wow Christina! You are a beautiful lady and you are rocking that orange!

    I am a new follower visiting you from Aloha Friday Blog Hop. I also LOVE your blog design–so chic! I have a feeling that I am going to really enjoy your posts and learn from them.

    I'd also love a follow back. My blog link is:

    Thanks so much! I will be visiting often!

  3. Woah that lipstick is stunning on you!! the bold lip + simple eye is one of my favorite looks πŸ™‚ orange is always a great lip color, I love how it's colourful, but different from the usual reds.

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