Upcoming Blog Anniversary & Giveaway!

Hey all! Apologies for this not being one of the posts scheduled for today but, what the hey.

Click the button to check out the WWBH!

You may have realised the widget in the sidebar about my blog anniversary, but if you haven’t it’s tomorrow! I’m not as excited as I thought I would be about it. I wanted to have a lot more sorted out. I wanted to redecorate my blog a bit, but some how, the time has slipped away. AND I really want to have a giveaway (hopefully international), but my thoughts are a bit scattered on what to giveaway, despite pondering it so long.

I don’t think I mentioned this but, the more expensive months are settling in. September to December are a slew of birthdays, anniversaries and holidays, meaning lots of spending. BUT I still want to get you lovely readers something good, you know? I thought a giftcard to a beauty site which ships internationally would be very appropriate, but at the same time it feels very impersonal.

If you have and suggestions for giveaway prizes, comment them below! I may be able to have something huge (for me at least) by October as it is my birth month too. So we’ll just be celebrating all-round in the Goodie Jar! Can’t wait to hear your suggestions!

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