Monday Poll #293 by MBB | Chit Chat

Hey all! Every Monday Karen from Makeup & Beauty Blog does a fun post called the Monday poll where she answers about 10 random questions.  So this week I said what the hey, let’s do this!

Also I want to give a special shout out to one of my closest friends Blackman, it’s his Birthday today!! Happy Birthday! 🙂 

1. What makeup brand has the prettiest packaging?

I think Benefit has the cutest packaging of any makeup line I’ve come across. Maybe then Soap & Glory, they’re have some pretty nice stuff. 
2. Do you ever travel for business?
Nope, I don’t really have business overseas anyway. 
3. What accessories are you wearing (jewelry, hats, scarves, belts, anything else)?
My Secondary school graduation ring (Class of 2010 woot!), BCBG Affirmations bracelet (says Sweet), A silver necklace my Grandmum gave me, and a pink CZ  pendant from one of my good friends and finally dainty pavé heart studs.
4. What’s the wackiest piece of clothing you own?
I don’t think I have any really wacky clothing pieces. I would be tempted to buy some outrageous things but I always stop myself because I know I’ll think hard to wear it anywhere. 
5. How often do you do eye looks involving more than one eyeshadow?
Probably twice a month or a bit more. Depends on how I feel when I’m leaving for classes or if I’m going out to somewhere other than school.
6. Is there any kind of nail polish you won’t wear (textured, glitter, matte, other)?
Nope. I’m actually dying to try the textured polishes!
7. Who’s your favorite artist (visual, music or other)?
Right now, I’d say a tie between Katy Perry and Britney Spears. It’s always changing, but I am really feeling their most recent music.
8. What’s the hardest thing you’ve ever done?
I think the hardest thing was contesting a space on my university’s Student Guild. But it definitely was a good learning experience despite losing, as I also became a part of the committee and was made aware of a lot of the happenings at my college. 
9. Have you ever done an ombre lip?
I tried once on someone, but it was a fail because the colours just weren’t working out as nicely as I imagined. I must try it again though.
10. On a scale of 1-10, what’s your personal makeup style (1 being no-makeup makeup, 10 being full-on divalicious drag queen)?
Daily, my makeup style is a 4 but when I’m headed out, I bump up to a 8-9. I love to play around with my make up when I’m going somewhere.

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