I got me RiRiWoo! | Beauty

Hey all! I am so excited today because I’ve finally got my hands on RiRi Woo by MAC, thanks to the lovely Tennille. Go check out her IG, she’s an amazing makeup artist and always looks FLAWLESS!

As you may remember, I mentioned I fell for the lovely packaging of the holiday RiRi collection. I actually went so far as to head to Cave Shepherd before they opened to try my luck to get one of limited stock of these lipsticks available. The lipsticks unfortunately sold out within 15 minutes of opening, and I wasn’t interested in any of the eye shadows.

Luckily for me, I spoke to Tennille and she worked out something for me. I was so gracious and happy to receive this gorgeous red lippy. I had no idea I’d love it so much, it just so bold and beautiful. I want to wear it everyday, but this is definitely too loud for my office. I wore this last Saturday and got so many compliments! Anyway, enough talking, I’ll let you admire this beauty!

Talk about my teeth looking white, yes! I love this colour… Rihanna, you know what you were doign with this one!

Girlfriends Expo returns :) (RW)

Hey all! It’s that time again, and I can’t believe it rolled around so fast. Girlfriend’s Expo 2014 is here! Last year I worked at the expo, but this weekend I hope to attend as a patron, so I can enjoy the full expo and all the Feminars there are to be had.

Last year, Makeup Doll Cosmetics had a bustling booth and I can’t wait to see them this year and pick up some items before they’re sold out, which means going super early. The atmosphere at the Concorde was interesting, very busy and crowded but yet homey, though I still miss the spaciousness of the Lloyd Erskine Sandiford Centre for the 2012 expo.

Another thing missing from this expo is my best friend, Ashley! This year we’re miles apart so they’ll be no hanging out and perusing various stalls together. But I hope that if I do make it, I can make the best of it for the both of us.

Last year, the samples had me going and coming. I’m so happy to have the chance to sample so many products, because trust me, samples and few and far between in Barbados. It’s kinda ridiculous really. Anyone who is in PR in Barbados, please take note. We,the patrons would appreciate your product samples.

See post from 2013 here!
See post from 2012 here!

Coastal Scents Hot Pots | Haul

Hey all! You probably know by now I am obsessed with Coastal Scents. I love the affordability of their products and the quality. Kinda makes me wonder if I should ever bother with buying anything else makeup-wise.

On Black Friday I went a bit crazy, as their Hot Pots were about $0.99USD each! You cannot beat that with a stick! I just recently received my order (as I didn’t ship it straight home here in Barbados), and had the chance to take some photos of the colours. There’s lots more of  this haul coming, but here’s a little something to hold you guys over until I can do the swatches.

As you can see, I went the route of neutrals this time around. I heard some of these are dupes for MAC eye shadows too. I can’t wait to swatch and use these babies!

Beauty Blogazons Weekly Roundup 1/25/2014

  • Chrisamor Goodie Jar: Bet you’d had never thought a local indie lipstick would be so good? LoveBrandie is a gorgeous deep maroon lippy I think every girl needs to have in their collection. 
  • Midnight Manicures: Do you love subscription boxes as much as Jeanie does? If so, check out January’s Beauty Box 5 unveiling. 
  • Makeup, Life and Love: Struggling to get hair in the best condition ever, Jamie has a new product that will help… 
  • My Newest Addiction Beauty Blog: Laura uses the Stila In The Light in her Get Ready With Me Tutorial.

Casual Friday Work Attire | Fashion

Hey all! Sometime in Summer I saw this outfit post on Facebook, and I loved it so much I saved it. I sadly don’t know who created it to credit them, but if you do know, please send me their link so I can do that.

I am in love with how chic this outfit is, even for work. Depending on where you work, this would be the perfect casual Friday outfit, though probably not for me at current, but I can’t help but love it.  I think this would go well if you had to go out for drinks after work or maybe dinner with the significant other too.

If I were to put this outfit together, I would go with this Coral Blazer and Georgette blouse, for differences in colour and textures. As for the jeans, I would have loved to found a pair just like the photo, but I instead found these ones on Rue21 which you can fold the bottoms up to a comfy length. I really like the dark wash for professional wear. Shoes depend on what job you have, and I’d rather comfort over style if you are required to stand a long time, so these cheetah print loafers from Old Navy and some inner soles for extra comfort seemed perf!

I saw these set of bangles on Forever21 and loved them. Especially since the colours go well with the coral blazer. When it comes to bags, you want something fashionable yet sturdy for those daily commutes if you don’t have personal transportation. Since there’s a lot more colour going on with the blazer, I looked for a neutral blue bag similar to the set above and found one from Liz Claiborne.

What do you typically wear on casual Fridays?

Your interest in Pinterest?

Hey all!  No Rewind Wednesday today but I just wanted to ask, who else where is a bit addicted to Pinterest? I can go on for hours at a time discovering new DIYs, ideas, tips, makeup looks, recipes, you name it. I even have a fitness and healthy eating board despite not following up all those tips. But, I just love how it can inspire me to make new things or re-purpose older items.

If you aren’t already, take the time to follow my Pinterest. I’ll follow you back too, to see what tips and tricks you’re posting. Also if you might not have noticed, you can pin the photos from my blog too :).

Happy pinning!

Exotica Makeup Lipstick in LoveBrandie | Review

Hey all! I remember when I first started blogging and dabbling with makeup, a bajan beauty brand was a far off thought. Now there are about 3 that I know of doing big things in Barbados. This year I hope to try them all out. One of them I had tried a long time ago, but they’ve undergone a number of improvements and invention of new products, which is always a good thing.

Today I’ll be reviewing and swatching the Exotica Makeup lipstick in LoveBrandie, which I saw on their Instagram page and instantly fell in love with it (the irony there)! I paid $25BDS for this local brand lipstick, which is not much different from the other drugstore lipsticks we have here. Apparently the colours are inspired by the persons who work where their products are sold. They also sell tons of NYX products!

As you can see from the bullet, LoveBrandie is a deep maroon colour or looks brown even depending on the lighting. On my lips it comes off as a oxidised blood red. I was amazed by the formula of this lip product as it is glides on easily and doesn’t sink into the lines of my lips or highlight any dry patches. I would call this a satin finish lipstick, as there’s very little sheen to it once applied. I actually compared it to a similar Revlon lipstick I have of similar colour and I must say seems to last longer on the lips.

I wore this Old Years night and the staying power was shocking! Through eating, drinking, talking and New Year’s kisses, it lasted. Of course it wasn’t perfect, the centre of my lips were the most worn, but the colour still held on. My lips did start to feel more dry as time went by however, but nothing some lip balm or re-application of the lipstick couldn’t fix. It was not at all uncomfortable to wore and I in fact forgot I was wearing it. I paired this with a lip liner for Old Years and the transfer from lips to glass or cups was very minimal.

It makes sense to wear this with a lip liner, just to make sure it doesn’t go smearing all over. But once it’s on, it hardly goes anywhere!

The Verdict:


  • Local brand
  • Pigmented
  • Glides on easily
  • Beautiful colour which is a lighting chameleon
  • Pricing is good 
  • Would look good on many skin tones
  • Long lasting


  • Packaging is a bit short (I feel like I might lose it)
  • Sells out way too fast (make more! haha)
  • Not a moisturising lipstick

The Raw Sugar:

Like I mentioned, I was very surprised by the quality and staying power of this lipstick. I glided on easily and lasted well throughout Old Years Night. I have to test it even more during a regular day with a lot more eating involved, so I know the true staying power. But, I love this lipstick and would tell others to run out and buy it!

Where to Purchase:

Exotica Makeup & Extensions -Sheraton and the Colonnade Mall. (Barbados)

Disclaimer: This product was bought with my own money. Opinions are my own. 

What’s REALLY in my Makeup Bag | Beauty

Hey all! My makeup bag, believe it or not, is VERY boring. I only have 3 beauty items in it, 4 if you count deodorant as something, and people would think I’m high-maintenance, ha! I like to keep things simple. I’ll take my fine time to be ready, and when I’m ready, usually everything is done, so I don’t have to go back over any of the steps. No reapplying, no blotting, staring in the mirror.. who has time for that? As a science student I really didn’t. I was just trying to get to class on time and get my work done.

What’s in there?

L’Oreal Double Extend Beauty Tubes Mascara- Black 

This is one of those 2-step mascaras with a white primer and a pigmented black side. Good mascara for the false lash effect but don’t overdo it or your lashes feel really heavy. You can just remove this with water but, it is quite odd because the mascara comes off in clumps or “tubes” from your lashes. So it really feels like your lashes are falling out. Other than that it’s long-lasting and pigmented mascara.

e.l.f. Essential Lipstick -Fantasy 

A wearable nude lipstick that goes with anything for everyday wear. It’s moisturising but, of course it doesn’t last through a meal. Since it’s fool-proof to apply and easy to wear, it’s good lipstick for your purse.

Perfume samples  (J’adore by Dior & Essence by Narciso Rodriguez)

Ask me how often I spray perfume on in one day…hardly ever. If I mist mysyelf with whatever body splash, or perfume I have on hand, I’m great. But if I forget, oh well, life goes on. I happened to throw these in my makeup bag on that odd occasion that I really need to smell pretty. If you know what I mean.

Degree Deodorant travel size (Honey suckle & Tea tree oil)

I’m not huge on this scent, but this is a backup deo, for those mornings you run out the door without checking those pits. Usually I don’t have to reapply my antiperspirant during the day either thank God, but it’s better to be prepared, right?


Not like I’m sickly, but I like to keep a few painkillers in my bag, an antimicrobial solution called Econaderm and my daily supplement so I’m again prepared. I’m a nerd/geek I know, but I love having the Econaderm with me because dirty street water or just about anything really dirty can irritate my skin, so this fights the germs and makes sure I don’t get a skin infection.

Hair pins

I have 2 sizes of  hair pins in my bag. They work for just about everything. I learnt some tips to using bobby pins that allows me to use fewer pins to get great hold even with my stubborn hair. I don’t like the pain of hair pins, they really hurt my head after a while. I also may end up using hairpins for other random things too, many I cannot remember.

Female sanitary products

For obvious reasons, I’m a lady after all. Random fact, I’ve always wanted to blog about some of the feminine product brands but, I’ve always been kind of shy about it because in my household the menstrual cycle usually is spoken of with great secrecy. Would you gals mind if I reviewed a couple of those products here on the blog occasionally?  It’s mostly a private matter, but I know some times a new brand /line of sanitary wear may be on the market  and you have no idea if they will work or not. Not to mention how awkward it would be to ask the next lady in that aisle studying her purchases.

Nail File:

I’ve probably had this in here about a year, a lot longer than I should have, but I hardly have the time to sit down and file my nails. Silly me is always looking for something else to do in my free time, hence running myself ragged. Let’s not even talk about the state of my nails at current. Let’s not go there.


All important to make sure there’s no random pen ink on your face, or lip colour on your teeth, I have my mirror in my cosmetics bag too. Have any of you ever gotten that feeling of guilt following glares from onlookers when you pull out a mirror in public and look at yourself? Why do people do that, like have they never looked in a mirror at all? What’s wrong with checking to make sure your face is still there?

Boring contents, nuh? No fun brand names, products, or especially interesting things in my makeup bag. What’s in yours?

Valentine’s Day Nails (RW) | Beauty

Hey all! It’s coming around to that time again, where everything is clad in red, white or pink, even more chocolate appears on supermarket shelves, hearts and teddy bears decorate every square inch of selling space and my favourite conversational hearts make a reappearance. Yip, I’m talking about Valentine’s day loved, and loathed by many.

Last year around this time, I had filmed a V.Day nail tutorial, which also showed you how to make foolproof natural looking french-tipped nails. You can check out the video to see how I did it.

Love or loathe Valentine’s Day, this tutorial is very easy (a lot easier to do than film for sure), and the french tip is a classic nail design. The addition of the coral heart is cute and festive for those of you who enjoy the occasion. If you try it out be sure to let me know, hit my up on IG (@thebajanchristina)!

Ultimate Beauty Favourites for 2013!

Hey all! Late, I know but here are my top beauty products of 2013! I couldn’t even think up an order because these products are all my loves and I use them almost daily, so yes, they’re that good!

Maybelline Baby Lips- Peppermint, Pink Punch

Of course again these are a part of my yearly favourites, just as in 2012. This year I tried the Pink Punch one which is slightly tinted and I remember at first I hated it. But after using it more frequently my lips now love it (maybe even more than Peppermint) and feel “baby soft”!

Natural Oils- Coconut, Tea tree

Just like last year and probably every year til forever, I will love my holy grail Coconut oil! It works for everything! Skin, hair, face, some cook with it, but I haven’t tried that one as yet. In 2013, I was experiencing some of the woes of shaving and tea tree oil came in very handy! (I plan on making a post all about shaving later) It’s an antimicrobial, antifungal,  just about all powerful in it’s concentrated form. I’m not talking about those ones in light coloured bottles at all. Works great for shaving bumps, sores, skin problems like eczema, acne even, and you can use it on your scalp too to combat dry scalp (diluted, of course). Look out for a more in depth review of this amazing oil this year.

e.l.f. Studio Eyebrow Kit- Medium

My brows are a mess on their own. I finally got a friend of mind to twiddle with my arches, so they’re not as flat as they usually look(yay!). I loved this eyebrow kit for all the time I had it in 2013 because even when my brows aren’t perfectly shaped, the mousse/wax in the kit actually holds my long stray brow hairs amazingly. AND it lasts all day, so no more wipe-off-your-brow syndrome before the end of the day!

Garnier Skin Renew BB cream (Oily/Combination skin)

My go-to for evening out my skintone, an even better BB cream in Barbados’ climate than the Maybelline Dream Fresh BB. It has nice light-weight coverage without looking like you’re wearing foundation, moisturises and lasts most of the day, granted you put some finishing powder over the top of it. I think my wear time would be better if I weren’t always touching my face or have my glasses slipping down my nose, haha.

e.l.f. Studio Contouring Blush & Bronzing powder- Turks & Caicos (not pictured)

I can’t say enough how happy I am to find a bronzer that is dark to really contour my skin tone. Even though I’m not a mahogany and more of a caramel/cappuccino WOC, it’s hard to find a good bronzer here in Barbados. This one from e.l.f, although a bit shimmery in the pan, give a very subtle glimmer and looks glowy rather than disco ball when you apply it. The blush is ok, for a touch of colour, but I think on my complexion it looks more like a highlight. Also given the fact that there is so much more visible glitter in it than the bronzer.

Smashbox Cream blush – Captivate

I have hit pan on this, really bad, and if you remember I only had bought this in summer. I’ve never hit pan on ANY blush I own. But the colour and the buildability of this Smashbox blush makes me want to wear it everyday! I’m sure all my other blushes, especially my e.l.f. cream blush are jelly! What can I say I love it, and it gives me life.

African Pride Olive Miracle Leave-in Conditioner

Talk about moisture, my hair feels like it drinks this stuff. I remember Cantu Shea Butter leave-in used to be my thing when my hair was natural and freshly texlaxed. But I had stopped using it when I was relaxed because it make my hair go all weird like it’ll revert. When I put the AP Olive Miracle leave-in conditioner in my hair, it’s like my hair was in a desert and found a thirst-quenching oasis. Barbados’ climate is very tough on my hair! But this is the perfect moisture product to give your hair some life again. Be sure not to overdose on it like I did in the summer, despite the yummy smell, because your hair will go all wonky and be too soft due to the lack of protein in this product.

ElastaQP Design Silk

I had this product for maybe 2 years, and finally decided to try it again after I washing my hair. I have not looked back since. What had turned me off the first time I used this was the stickiness, but I now know I was misusing this delightful product. So far this is the only product I have come across that allows my hair to hold a curl longer than an hour. We are talking about 3 days of curls (if I don’t comb them out before then)! Hair spray just doesn’t for me, instead I get a stiff mess that I can’t run my fingers through. This stuff is amazing, your hair feels silky, is manageable, and holds the style for days. This is recommended for use as a setting lotion or when blow-drying your hair. I wouldn’t say it’s the best when used alongside a curling iron, but this makes roller-sets a breeze, even on not-so-fresh hair.

Bath & BodyWorks Body Spray- Bali Mango

This is a yummy, sweet, yet some what tangy fragrance that I’ve been making go ’round since I bought it in the summer. I think it only comes out one a year in fact, but while BBW was having it’s Semi-annual, I’m sure I saw this fragrance on sale. It’s been my everyday scent until about the beginning of 2014 and surprisingly, there is still a lot of product left in the bottle, hooray! It’s a fruity scent that’s not too overpowering with how sweet it is, but is just the right balance of citrus to keep you sane. Doesn’t actually smell like a mango to this island girl, but it’s still amazing.

Those were all my beauty favourites for 2013, what were yours? Any new products that were really able to surprise you last year?