I got me RiRiWoo! | Beauty

Hey all! I am so excited today because I’ve finally got my hands on RiRi Woo by MAC, thanks to the lovely Tennille. Go check out her IG, she’s an amazing makeup artist and always looks FLAWLESS!

As you may remember, I mentioned I fell for the lovely packaging of the holiday RiRi collection. I actually went so far as to head to Cave Shepherd before they opened to try my luck to get one of limited stock of these lipsticks available. The lipsticks unfortunately sold out within 15 minutes of opening, and I wasn’t interested in any of the eye shadows.

Luckily for me, I spoke to Tennille and she worked out something for me. I was so gracious and happy to receive this gorgeous red lippy. I had no idea I’d love it so much, it just so bold and beautiful. I want to wear it everyday, but this is definitely too loud for my office. I wore this last Saturday and got so many compliments! Anyway, enough talking, I’ll let you admire this beauty!

Talk about my teeth looking white, yes! I love this colour… Rihanna, you know what you were doign with this one!

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