Beauty store Spoilage | Haul

Hey all! About two weekends ago, I had stopped in the beauty supply store (Diamond Girl), and I was in a bout of luck as they had just restocked everything, including MILANI!! Whenever I usually go in there, they’re out of all the baked blushes, so I made sure I picked up a couple 😀 hehe. Also I got a new liquid liner to try out and I must say, I’m enjoying the brush on this one a lot more than the NYX one I have.

I bought some weaving thread for a project I’m putting together to show you guys, so look out for that soon.

I also picked up some makeup wipes from the beauty supply store, to try out. So far they’re very soft, and work ok.
Finally, I picked a Jolie lipstick at the Girlfriend’s expo, in the colour Imperial purple. I’ve been lusting after this colour for about a year now! Swatches coming on that soon.

Disclaimer: These products were purchased with my own money. Opinions are my own.

Valentines day humour & Rewind Wednesday

Hey all! So I was contemplating what to post today, and I was at a total lost because for some reason I’m not all on the Valentines day train like last year. Despite having a bf, friends and family to share in the holiday with, I don’t even have thoughts on it . This might have been the quietest V’day I have had yet.

But because it’d be boring if I didn’t at least post something else about it, this Wednesday I’m flashing back to last year when I did the 10 Valentine’s day questions. Funny enough most of my answers are the same. I guess I’m a simple & unchanging gal.

Then in my search for Valentine’s day post ideas, I stumbled across these on the Fail Blog. Some were too hilarious not to share!

Finally the cutest, though not as sensible to me… as I’m a cat lover and all.

Are you feeling Valentine’s day this year? Or are you a v’day hater?

Coastal Scents Blush Too Palette | Swatches

Hey all! another installment of my Coastal Scents  haul, yayyy! I bought a couple palettes, a brush set and some eye shadows. I’ve showed you the lip palette and the eye shadows in their pots, and today I’m going to be showing you another palette, the Blush Too.

I have the original blush palette by this brand, but I’m telling you now the colours in this one are more up the alley for darker-skintones. Despite the Original 10 Piece blush palette being pigmented, many of the colours were too light and ended up looking like a chalky mess on me. I love this newer one because the colours are richer, darker and more daring. Have you seen this orange and that purple blush? Not for the faint at heart. If you’re just starting out in makeup, trust me and leave this out.  I’m glad I bought the original then, because had it been this palette, I’d look like a clown quite often.

Onto the swatches…

Absolutely beautiful colours! I’ve been wearing the 4th blush on the first row and the 3rd one on the second row every chance I get. I am in love with those two. I think these would look FABULOUS on darker skin tones, so go get you one of these palettes!

Disclaimer: This product was bought with my money. Opinions are my own.

When Anxiety attacks | Life

Sitting on this end of the keyboard and blogging doesn’t usually lend much to discerning all of my feelings towards something. There’s only so much you can express through typing words, right? I would have loved to made a video about this, but alas, I can’t. Today’s post isn’t about beauty, but instead about anxiety and its disorders, which appears to be normal.


For some time I’ve been feeling uneasy, stressed, fatigued and overwhelmed. I can’t do it all (well duh Christina, you’re just one person). What I’ve been experiencing is anxiety. I am very fortunate to finish uni and move from a once a week job to something a little more regular. However I wish I had the chance to take a break in between because I can’t help but to feel like I ‘m not doing my best at it. Sometimes I feel like my head isn’t even screwed on the right way, added to the fact that I feel more forgetful than usual and I’m trying to juggle many responsibilities, I wonder what I should do. Naega michyeossdago!


I went reading up on anxiety, I had heard it mentioned before on YouTube by a vlogger, but at the time I was just like, does that really happen?? Until I realised I may be experiencing it right now. It feels like pressure is coming from the woodworks, surrounding me. According to WebMD, there are different types of anxiety disorders, general anxiety disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) to name a few. After looking through the symptoms, I realised I like many others have misjudged many of these disorders, such as OCD where people just think of clean or neat freaks, there’s a lot more to it than that.

PubMed Health journal also talks about Anxiety and the causes, of which having a new job is one… hence my distress. Along with a new job, stress from at home is making me feel rather unmotivated and indecisive, which is somewhat rare for me previously. I always have been very focused on what I wanted to do or have, so now, I’m not quite feeling myself.  I’ve always had a plan for life ( I love planning), sometimes flexible to suit what lemons life throws at me, but right now, I don’t feel like making that lemonade.


In reading up on the subject I found some ways to help myself, but I don’t fully believe I have an anxiety disorder, I could just be doing too much thinking. Either way, it wouldn’t hurt to try a few right?

  • Take breaks from work, balance fun activities with your family duties and your job. Schedule leisure time. (I’ve been saying I needed a break, although to others it seems ridiculous that I would)
  • Get crafty with your hands or learn to play an instrument (I already can play a few).
  • Eat a balanced diet, limiting caffeine and alcohol intake. ( I love coffee, but I only drink it once a day, it’s my diet I need to work on)
  • Find healthy ways to cope with stress.
  • Think about the possible source of your stress and journal what is going on when you feel anxiety coming on. 
  •  Confide in a trustworthy person. Talking it out can make you feel much better, sometimes that’s all you need.

Are any of you readers feeling anxiety too? New school, relationship or job? What do you usually do to cope, I’d love to know.

Coastal Scents 32 Lip palette | Swatches

Hey all! I’m really late today, but I wanted to get up this post because I promised I’d post the rest of my Coastal Scents haul. I’ll let the photos do the talking as there isn’t much to say about this palette besides that it’s a really good deal especially if you want to do other people’s makeup or want to try new colours without buying individual lippies.

The pots are the size of a quater, and not every colour in the palette is opaque, but there is a good mixture of creams, shimmers, frosts even, and sheer colours. The would be fun for mixing your own custom colour. All of them have a gloss finish, but if you blot your lips you would get a more matte look.


Disclaimer: This product was bought with my own money. Opinions are my own

Garnier Skin Renew BB Cream (Combination to Oily Skin) | Review

Hey all! I know, I know, I was to review this everrrrr since but I can say I’ve had the a load of time to try out this product and figure it out. I wanted to try one of the Garnier BB creams for some time in 2013, but had heard some bad reviews on the normal skin version of this one. Although my skin isn’t particularly oily, I tend to prefer products for combo/oily skin, because the heat of Barbados makes anyone’s skin “dewy” by midday.

I nabbed this product at Collins Pharmacy for $30.35BDS when I realised they finally had the Deep shade in stock. Since using it, I feel like I could go one shade lighter, but this works for every day as it blands in with my neck very well. The product is in a squeeze tube and there is 2oz of the liquid,  which is great considering the price of it. Typically foundations are just 1oz.

Despite being very runny and liquid, the formula gives light to medium coverage, and a little it can go a long way. I tend to squeeze out less than a dime-sized amount of BB cream to give my face a light coverage, even out my complexion. You can build up the coverage to medium, but it will begin to feel cakey and heavy unless you blot with some tissue between application. It dries to a semi matte (natural) finish which I tend to set with translucent powder so it would last longer throughout the day, as I hardly ever get to touch-up.

I love this as an everyday foundation/sunscreen/ skin care item. There is an SPF of 20, as well as is very moisturising. It doesn’t give me a grey cast either, especially since the undertone of the BB cream seems to be quite yellow.  This is a bit messy to apply at first, but it gets easier with practice. My only real peeves with this is that it isn’t very long-lasting or oil-controlling, so by 4 hours of wear you are going to start seeing some shininess, but not so bad that blotting can’t help. This product does tend to transfer when I touch my face with my fingers (bad habit…), or in the space where my glasses rest on my nose.

The Verdict:


  • Affordable 
  • Lasts a number of uses (mine is pushing 3 months)
  • Light to medium coverage
  • Lightweight formula
  • Natural finish
  • Has SPF20 
  • No grey cast
  • Evens skin tone beautifully
  • Moisturizing and doesn’t stick to dry patches


  • Squeeze tube could be messy
  • Very liquid formula
  • Shade availbility
  • Not long-lasting
  • Not great at oil-control. 

The Raw Sugar

I just am in love with how lightweight this product is, yet has good enough coverage to discreetly make your skin look almost perfect. I’ve had mine since October 2013, and I’ve been using it almost religiously as part of my morning routine, yet the tube still has a ton of product in it. I definitely would recommend you try this out if you’re looking for a do-all product to rush out the house looking good.

Where you can get this: Collin’s Pharmacy (Barbados), drugstores (elsewhere)

Disclaimer: This product was bought with my own money. Opinions are my own

Beauty Blogazon Round up Week 02/01/2014

  • Glamorable!: Anastasia tried new and improved Creaseless Cream Shadows by Benefit Cosmetics, and confirmed they are in fact creaseless! Read her full review here. 
  • Beauty Apocalypse: Explore Sibu Beauty and the wonder of the Sea Buckthorn berry! 
  • Chrisamor Goodie Jar: I love it when Coastal Scents has a sale, it’s the perfect time to pick up a handful of their wonderful Hot Pots. 
  • Makeup, Life and Love: Is the cold weather wrecking havoc on your skin? Check out Jamie’s option to fight the cold…