Beauty store Spoilage | Haul

Hey all! About two weekends ago, I had stopped in the beauty supply store (Diamond Girl), and I was in a bout of luck as they had just restocked everything, including MILANI!! Whenever I usually go in there, they’re out of all the baked blushes, so I made sure I picked up a couple 😀 hehe. Also I got a new liquid liner to try out and I must say, I’m enjoying the brush on this one a lot more than the NYX one I have.

I bought some weaving thread for a project I’m putting together to show you guys, so look out for that soon.

I also picked up some makeup wipes from the beauty supply store, to try out. So far they’re very soft, and work ok.
Finally, I picked a Jolie lipstick at the Girlfriend’s expo, in the colour Imperial purple. I’ve been lusting after this colour for about a year now! Swatches coming on that soon.

Disclaimer: These products were purchased with my own money. Opinions are my own.

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