Texlax Update! HAIR UPDATE #3

Hey all! I honestly got so busy I forgot I was to write about flat ironing my texlaxed hair in … February. Yea I know, really late, but better late than never right? I actually should be studying right now, finals are in 2 weeks, but I really just needed a bit of a break.

Twist-outs from January

I texlaxed my hair back in January to try out a few things, and I haven’t currently redone my hair, but that’s ok because it looks the same way as when it was first textlaxed. I diluted the relaxer mix a lot so the my hair would still look natural, but would be a bit more manageable. One thing I really wanted to try out while texlaxed was the flat ironing ability of my hair.

So I tried it out one week in February, and let’s just say it was a big fail for me. I blowdried my hair, and flat ironed it, hoping for some good results since I changed techniques, but to no avail. My ends were frizzy and it looked terrible. You could not even tell it had been flat ironed. It just looked like my hair was stretched out, which might have been nice had not for the smell of the flat iron.

I don’t know if it’s just my flat iron or my hair texture, but it appears that my hair will not be flat ironed straight any time soon, unless I use a stronger relaxer mix. I’m not really up to that tho, because I still like the versatility of the texlax at current and it’s very hassle-free and looks natural. My twist-outs and braid-outs come off fabulous within one night and it’s easy to wash and go. But I may have to rethink my current hair routine (or lack thereof) if I want to achieve the goals I have for my hair, where styling is concerned.

The thought of weaves and braids have crossed my mind plenty of times, since my hair just does not flat iron like it did when processed, and I think I will consider it further when I can. But until then, I’ll be rocking it natural/texlax!

Twist-outs from January