Hair Update #4

Hey all! As you know, I’ve been a bit challenged with keeping my hair in its natural state, as I said in one of my previous hair updates. Check them out here #1, #2, #3.

I love my curls, my hair density is very thick and my strands though fine are very unruly. I’m very prone to frizzing and many times because of failed braid-outs and twist-outs I just tuck my hair back into a hair tie or a headband. It’s a very boring look for me, and whenever I leave my hair open, I usually get comments from my family about how untidy it looks, usually my parents. It’s rather frustrating especially since I am trying something I’ve never tried before with the small amount of products that are available to me.

Since 2012 has started I did a texlax to hopefully lighten my texture, which I talk about in my first texlax update. I still had my curls but some how the hair did not feel as heavy and compact. My braid-outs and such came out with more success however, it still looked somewhat unruly. Maybe I’m just lazy…

I don’t know what it is, but no matter what I do, gel or whatever, my natural or texlax hair NEVER stays in a tidy state. And I’m not just saying this because my parents complain a lot about it, but I genuinely feel like it is too much of a messy look for me. I don’t like many natural styles on me, I just find many atrocious, it looks as if I haven’t combed my hair because of my texture. Although I love finding the random curls in my hair or getting great definition after a  twist-out, sadly it’s not enough to make me want to stay in the natural community.

Let’s face it, the au naturel look is not for everyone, and as long as I know I was able to embrace my curls and struggle through with them for this long, I am happy that I tried. It happened by accident that I stumbled across the natural scene and became natural for about a year, and it was an interesting journey. I’ve had tremendous hair growth (despite my hair hardly ever showing it), and I got to enjoy the life of being kinky curly. I learned that my hair adores water and moisture in general, while it would shrink to 50% or more of its length after drying, along with a number of other useful things.

In my texlax updates #2 & #3, I mentioned wanting back some of the versatility I had with my texturised hair. So I may actually be returning to something which was not only more convenient for me at this point in my life, but also offered options which I preferred more. We’ll see how it goes by Wednesday. I should have some pictures or even video.

I did enjoy my natural journey, and I’d advise anyone to at least try it because you learn not only about your hair, but about yourself also. I learnt that I have a fixation for neat tidy hair at all times haha. The knowledge of ingredients and products to use, will go along with me as I change pace into a different journey.