Another year of Pride & Industry! 47 years of Independence!

A great big Happy Independence goes out to Barbados and all my Bajan readers! I know I posted some Thanksgiving deals during the week, but trust that I did not forget our lovely island’s celebrations! I sadly wanted to create a very Independence-themed makeup look but the time has gotten away, as I’ve explained in Wednesday’s post. I’ll see if I can put up an OOTD or FOTD when I go out tomorrow.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy this photo that I took while roaming Bridgetown one Saturday evening. Nothing says Barbados quite like Bridgetown, it may change stores here and there but it’s mostly the same. Despite the hiccups we’ve been experiencing with our government and economy, I am proud to be BARBADIAN!

Have a safe and happy Independence day! Here’s to another 47 years of Pride and Industry!

National Emblems (RW) | Barbados

Hey all! Two years ago I posted on the official emblems of Barbados and  today I’m going to recap them with you since it’s the month of National Independence. My tiny little island has to stand out from others some how right?

For some reason when people hear Caribbean, they think very small-mindedly. Little to no sophistication, coconut trees everywhere, grass huts and endless beaches. But the Caribbean is way more than that, although it may not be top notch as it is in a 1st world country we still have infrastructure, governance and people (mostly educated). In representing Barbados on a global stage, we just like other developing countries, have our own flag, national dish, pledge, anthem, flower etc.

Above is our Coat of Arms which your would find on all official Government documents. The motto is Pride and Industry, something which us Bajans are forgetting a bit more everyday sad to say. On the Coat of Arms is the Dolphin (Mahi Mahi) representative of our fishing industry and the national bird the Pelican which once inhabited a small island off our coast called Pelican Island. This island has been incorporated into our sea port, the Deep Water Harbour and now you had find local craft vendors in the surrounding areas. Also on the COA, you will find our national flower, the Pride of Barbados, the Bearded Fig tree from hence Barbados is named and a hand holding sugar cane in a satire cross, representative of our sugar industry, once our main source of income.

As for our flag which you have seen around my blog every now and again, the blue panels represent our beautiful sea and the sky, while the yellow panel is for the golden sand of our beaches and the bright sun, which melts people shines here for most of the year.

We also have in my option a very majestic anthem which you can listen to below. During the month of November, you can definitely hear the anthem more than normally and  it usually is played at the beginning of official events.

Finally our national pledge, which in primary schools are said every morning. Or at least when I was younger. It’s said even less in secondary school, and not at all in Universities or work places. I think it should be said more often to remind persons of your heritage and what is the aim of our society.  I wonder do Barbadians still know their National Pledge?

I pledge allegiance to my country Barbados and to my flag,To uphold and defend their honour,And by my living, to do credit to my nation,Wherever I go.

You can read the full post here with even more details.

Since this is a Rewind Wednesday I decided to throw in this little song by the Merry Men. Once a very popular group of Bajan performers back in 1960s and 70s . Here’s their song “Beautiful Barbados”.

November = Barbados National Independence!

Hey all! It’s the month of November finally which means National independence for Barbados!

This year we are celebrating 47 years of Pride and Industry! Last year, I did a video on the lights and banners in the city. this year I won’t be making a video, but hopefully I’ll have tons of photos to show you the sights and sounds of Barbadian life around independence!

Also In other news, I’ve finally reached 100 GFC blog followers! Don’t worry I haven’t forgetting about the giveaway I had promised either. I’m working on it :).

If you’re a Bajan, what’s your favourite part about National Independence? I used to really love NIFCA, but now it’s so rushed and quieted that it’s over before you recognise it’s begun lol.