Aspiration Diaries coming to an end? AD#17

Hey all! If you typically check out my blog on weekend’s you’d realise that’s when I write more about my life and post my goals for the week. But this week and last week those posts have been missing in action or very abrupt. Since I’ve been working, I use Saturday as my unwind day, I wake up late and sometimes I go out. So I really have to apologise for the lack of posts on the weekends.

Something I do want to ask though, do you find these  posts interesting? Do you follow along every week, and make goals of your own? Do you think I should continue with these kinds of posts or stick to just posting beauty during the week and if the chance arises post something personal on the weekends?

I’m not sure if anyone actually sees these posts, and I’ve run out of some ideas for weekly goals. So help me out, suggest in the comments. Thank you 🙂 !

Aspiration Diaries #16

Hey all! This post is a bit late in the day. I was kind of lazy this Saturday. Not much to blog bout anyway. Last week I hadn’t set any goals for the week. It has been suggested that I try to blog daily though. I think I might just try it out for a week. Definitely not next week though, but perhaps the week after.

And to all of my American readers, Happy belated 4th July! Sorry I hadn’t remembered to add it to my Festival Fridays post. I hope you’ve been enjoying the articles I’ve been posting weekly. If you have any suggestions for posts, don’t forgot to tell me in the comments below.

Speaking of comments, I’m going to switch back to the old comment system rather than the new Google+ comments. It’s a bit limiting to persons without a gmail address.

That’s about it for this post, expect lots of reviews and swatches to be coming up in future Monday posts. So many that it may also be included on Wednesdays.

Aspiration Diaries #15

Hey all! This week was about some blogging goals, I wanted to create a pictorial, post a June favourites and be more creative with my make up. Two of 3 isn’t too bad right? I sadly wasn’t able to do more creative make up as I’ve been home for most of the week and wearing a smokey eye to the beach was quite out of the question. Also last week I reached 250 posts! Who could believe it? So much blabber since the start of this blog haha.

Monday, I posted my June Favourites, which included my Maybelline BB cream that has become a staple in my make up collection. I almost never leave home without it. You can see my feelings about it here when I reviewed it, and check out my other favourites for this month here.

Wednesday, I posted my wearable Golden Eye tutorial. The only thing I would change about it, would be using more pigmented (less chalky) crease colours. I thought doing a picture tutorial would be somewhat easier than a video, but without a great set up and no cameraman, it’s quite a task. Anyway I’m really happy that I did make it, and I hope that you check it out.

This week, I’m kind of at a lost for goals, haha. But you should also be seeing some really fun and informative post on summer. So keep your eyes peels for them. AND leave all of your suggestions for next week in the comments! Thank you all!

Aspiration diaries #14

This week was quite a breeze, I’m quite happy about how it went. I chilled out with some friends at home and made plans with other for the upcoming weeks so the summer doesn’t go by quietly. I ended up cooking quite a lot too, but as my tablet isn’t back with me as yet, no Instagram pictures sadly.


So in the last AD post, I said I wanted to try out a make up look. Which I did twice this week! It may just end up appearing here as a face of the day post as I wasn’t anything too fancy. I played around with some new e.l.f. products which I bought (a blog post will be coming on those soon). I am loving the all over colour sticks and the contouring blusher and bronzer compact. Finally I have a bronzer dark enough for me!

I also said I wanted to post this week on time. Ok so…. that wasn’t the most successful, because no sooner had I  walked away from the computer to get dressed for a get together, the current went off. Stopping me from finishing a few scheduled posts haha. I guess that was a bit of a troll. Nonetheless, I still got the posts up and even an new segment for Fridays called Festival Fridays where I’ll give you some insight into Barbados’ Crop Over festival and the major events happening for the week. I hope you enjoy this new series as I really wanted to share more of Barbados’ culture with my international readers and keep us locals up to date with the events.

Finally this week, I want to:

  • Get creative with my make up
  • Post a June Favourites
  • Post a Picture tutorial this Wednesday
Hope you check back to see if I meet this week’s goals! AND I’d love if you leave some suggestions for me, it’d be great to hear what you’d want to see on this blog as well. 

Aspiration Diaries #13 & Happy Father’s Day!

Hey all, busy but fun weekend. I’m quite happy that it was too, means that it’s SUMMER! I’d also like to take this time to wish all the dads and father-figures, a very Happy and enjoyable Father’s Day! It’s never hyped up as much as Mother’s day, but it does take two to make a child. I love my Daddy, he’s here for me for just about everything. Encouraging me when I need it and trying to steer my away from what he thinks isn’t the best. I don’t care if I’m 21 or 65, I’ll always be my Daddy’s sweet girl.


Usually I post Aspiration Diaries on Saturdays, but as of late you’d have realised that they were turning into a Sunday thing. My apologies really as there are always so much happening on Saturdays, and I like to make these posts fresh for every weekend, much like bread haha.

I had a really good week and weekend, just yesterday (and part of this morning too hah) I went to a really good house-party with some of my closest friends and others to celebrate what would be the 3rd Anniversary of secondary school graduation. I had a ball!  Friday was a small get together after work that was very fun too. I’m very happy with how the week has turned out. From the previous AD post, I just had fun and I’m really glad for it too.

Now that it’s vacation, these posts will be taking a turn towards more blog- and beauty-related goals. Like improving the standard of my blog, posting more often, experimenting with make up more, posting more looks (and hopefully tutorials as well).

For this week, I’m going to start small with just a few simple goals.

  • Create one make up look
  • Post all 3 blog posts on time this week.

Until next post guys…

Aspiration Diaries #12 & FOTD

Hey all! I’m back again to posting on Saturdays, yay! This week went well, outside of a small incdent that occurred late Saturday. But less on the negative, more on the positive side. My NYC trip is in just a few more days and my summer has officially started! I am starting to feel more restless/excited since I’ve been washing and preparing photos for blog posts next week.

This week, I had my research project presentation and it went surprisingly well. A lot better than I thought. The final marks will tell just how great though. Aside from that work is a bit boring haha, but I’m glad to have a job :).

Simple FOTD from this week. I love how my hair came out, I used flexi rods.

I have been busy trying to think up some posts and remembered a couple things I was to post about earlier, so look out for some reviews of skin care and make up items! You may be seeing an OOTD sometime next week as well.

Finally I’m making some prep for packing. But that’s something I love to do so It shouldn’t be too much stress.

This week I hardly have any goals, just one simple task…

Have fun!

I hope you all enjoyed this post and feel free to tell me about your week in the comments! I have to head off to meet up with some friends for the evening. Yup, it’s SUMMER!

Aspiration Diaries #11 & Happy Mother’s Day!

Hey all, last week was a lot more tiring than I anticipated, but alas, here we are another Aspiration Diaries.
Before I begin, I should say HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY to all the mom’s out there! Remember that your children love and need you, even though sometimes they do not always seem so. Respect your children and they will also respect you. Even if you don’t have children, there’s someone somewhere who looks up to you with the respect of a mother.  My mother is very strict and sometimes unreasonable, but even though I am rude to her sometimes, I still love her.

I didn’t post an AD after the recap which I apologise for, I was unwinding with some mindless internet surfing after my exams were finished. Last week, I started work. I’m so grateful to have sometime for this bit of summer, hopefully I can find another job before summer’s over. I have a lot of things planned ahead for this year.


This week, I tried to work on my power point presentation, but ended up sleeping after work haha. This week I should have completed the power point and practised in time for the presentation Thursday. I actually think I may be ready.

Friday, I made some gooseberry syrup, first time for me, and I liked how it came out, of course it didn’t last very long in my house as we love sweet things, But I can’t wait to make more! I also made the KFC biscuits again and every one ended up pigging out haha!


Other than those few things,my week was quite uneventful. I do have some good news though, I will be taking a trip to New York in about 1 week! OMG yes so soon but, I didn’t want to say anything until I was certain. I hope to take lots of photos of the sites,sounds and of course the eats. I could probably do an FOTD post for the days I make up, or perhaps an OOTD, maybe I’ll come up with some really nice outfits there. You can follow me on Instagram (button above right that looks like a camera) to see more. I post at least once weekly lol, but I’m sure more than that for that week. I can’t wait! Of course, there should still be updates on my blog, so don’t forget to follow if you haven’t already.

Anyway, my goals for this week:

  • Complete my presentation and practise it
  • Schedule a few blog posts for during trip
  • Pack before the day of trip haha.

Aspiration Diaries #10 | Recap

Hey everyone!  I’ve made it to number 10 in this series, a bit of a milestone! Yay! This week w will be looking back at the past posts and see if I was able to follow up on most things. If you were following along with your weekly goals also, check up and see how much progress you have made.

School-related Goals:

Something that has popped up almost every week in my aspiration diaries was my research project. It’s not completely over yet, as I do have to make a presentation (which I will be marked for), but it is mostly done. Over this time I’ve read a ton of research articles, skimmed some others, but thank God it’s over with.

Another thing that appeared for half of the time I’ve been making these posts were events my student committee were planning. I’m really glad that I had a chance to be a part of it, and all of our events, even the ones we were worried about came off well. Everyone from students to lecturers were raving about the week of activities. So I just feel extremely proud and happy to have been a part of it and that it was so successful.

You’d also notice like any student, I had a lot of goals focused around studying. Something that I learnt from a seminar I once went to, was to study and take breaks and time to reward yourself. It motivates you to study more. With this semester being so hectic, sometimes I lost motivation to study and would have to remind myself that it was important. I took breaks by reading some of my favourite blogs, watching the occasional YouTube video, or hanging out with friends. I have yet to see if the results equate to the work and time I put in…

Social Media & Blogging Goals:


Sadly this year I could not keep up with my YouTube for various reasons, school, time, equipment and editing. I did not get to post my announcement video where I would officially announce my hiatus, simply because time got away from me and it was going to be a hassle. I hope that at some point I can fix this though (probably at the end of my exams).

I joined Instagram when I first got my tablet last year and sadly I was not posting very often, in fact I was just exploiting “liking” pictures haha. So I decided to join photo challenges and even challenged myself to take and post pictures more often. I remember years ago I loved taking pictures and posting to Facebook. Any, I’ve been using Instagram more now, posting more often, face of the days, food, random stuff, and enjoying it! You could see my feed in the side bar, or click the pink camera button on the top right of the page.

If you were following along my blog for a while, you might have noticed that previously my posting was more sporadic and although I’d try to space post, there would be long pauses in between. Well, from March I have been trying to follow a blogging schedule. This is a bit hard, as I sometimes don’t know just what to post about, but it leads me to looking in new places for inspiration. Speaking of which, Pinterest is a  new means of inspiration for me, it’s fairly random and I thought at first that I wouldn’t like it, but it’s growing on me. I could spend hours on there pinning and finding very interesting boards. I’m actually quite glad I joined. These past few weeks my blog posts have not been as consistent as I’d like, but I do hope to rectify this as soon as exams are over. School gotta come first ya know?

Beauty Goals:

Although my friends like to call me a beauty guru, which I really am not, I do not take that much time for my beauty routine on mornings or even at night. I like to be out of the house as fast as possible because there’s always the chance that you’d miss the bus; and after a hard day of work sometimes removing mascara is the furthest thing from my mind. Even my hair I just get very fed up with, especially when I try a new style that really ends up looking awful to me.

So in my weekly goals I tried to include trying new make up looks, removing my make up before bed and lately taking better care of my hair, as I was slacking off. I also included painting my nails, which I am yet to get to because I hate the wait of drying nails haha. But I have been trying to apply neutral shadows for class, and I have an everyday look, which usually doesn’t include eyeshadow unless I feel like it. I’ve also discovered a new product which seems to help my complexion, the Maybelline BB Cream (finally in Barbados), and I will be doing a review of it soon. I’ve gotten so much better with cleansing my face before bed, and although I still have a bit of clogged pores and dark spots, I’ve seen less acne because of it.

Personal goals:


I wanted to save a lot this semester and although I did save, I lot of my money was spent on food or school supplies and the occasional beauty item. I hope that with a job this summer I can continue to work on saving.

I also mentioned that I worry a lot. Just about everyone who knows me, knows that I do. I like things to work out and be perfect, and of course that’s unrealistic, but I really do appreciate to see something well planned come off. But in reality, everything doesn’t just happen how u analyse it to, and sometimes you have to let things fall into place without giving yourself grey hair over it. So a continuing goal for me will be to worry less. Sometimes I have to physically remind myself to do so, but I will keep trying at it.

Along with worrying, I didn’t let myself have enough fun or hang out and just relax a bit. I was always trying to do too much, so quality time would turn into work time in two twos. Another continuing goal I have for myself is to relax and just enjoy. Hang out with friends and family without thinking about what’s next and what has to be done.

Finally, I had a few minor goals, like baking or cooking something special, play with my make up, just to again, have a bit of fun and relax. I hope that if you were following along with your weekly goals that you have seen some progress in yourself as well as some areas to work on. For me I know I need to work on worrying less, relaxing more, spending quality time with loved ones, balancing my time better when it comes to college and blogging, and being bold enough to try new make up looks and hairstyles. Definitely have send out some killer resumes and find a job to support my beauty habit haha, ok no I’m not actually addicted to make up…

I hope you all enjoyed this very long recap and until next post!

Aspiration Diaries #9

Hey all! Yes this post is like a day late, but I took Saturday for a bit of relaxation and studying.
Today I have finally completed my research project. It feels so good to be finished and finally a bit more free! The only thing preventing me from becoming a couch potato now is exams within the next 2 weeks.

I am also proud to say that I completed a number of my goals from last week. Some not to the effect that I may have wanted, and a few bumps here or there, but that’s something to work on this week. I have studied a bit for finals, I think I made some good progress considering when I started (this huge project being due and all). This week I will be going hard on studying, especially since I finally can hand in my completed project.

I did remember to carry my water bottle most days I was at school, but sadly I was so busy I sometimes forgot to drink the water haha. At least as I worked at the PC I kept a glass of water close by. It’s always a good idea to keep hydrated. Especially when you’re working hard on something. Of course, you have to eat and have a snack in there too.

This week I baked some KFC style biscuits. My first time and they were so good straight out t=of the oven, my family loved them! For the next try, I think I’ll add a bit more butter so they stay moist and they got a bit dry after I stored them. But not like anyone mind, because they did not last past 2 days  haha!

I am happy to say that I also spent less time playing Word Ruzzle and when I did play this week I sucked. So I guess that was a sign that I should take a break from it and focus on my work haha. But you wait until exams are over, I’ll be unbeatable!

Onto my goals for next week:

  • Study for finals and remember to take breaks
  • Find a bit of time to try out some make up looks

Anyway here are a few quick snaps from my week, I honestly have the worst lighting for self shots,  but ah well. Hope you all had a productive week!

Aspiration Diaries #8

You sometimes you have a big paper to write and you have your topic and resources all ready, but when you start to type/write, it all sounds like a bunch of rubbish? Well that was me this weekend with my AD post. Hope everyone had a great week btw! Here’s my weekly recap, let’s start with the easy stuff.

I did not post more than 4 times on Instagram, my week was fairly dull and as usual filled with work. This week I had not only a test, but also a presentation which required hand-outs and then I decided to do a little extra project work so that I had a bit more results to play with.
 = Christina was busy for most of the week = no fun random Instagram photos.
I’m sorry, but we’ll work on that next week, as it’s just studying and a bit more lab work.

This was a fun photo from 2 weeks ago that I forgot to post. The new tunnel walk-over

As you might have also noticed, posts this week were a bit delayed, so sorry about that. Along with the things I mentioned earlier, I was still trying to tie together my introduction for my write up. But finally, I think it is finished. I found just the information I was searching for and got around to reading it late last week. Then I took the entire of yesterday to put it all together! I’m so proud. I have to get some feedback on it though, so we’ll see how long that feeling lasts, haha.  I haven’t completed my experimental as I had wished, but the references are just about covered. Hallelujah!

As I made mention of last week, I wasn’t eating at the best times, or the best times and I think this week I did so much better. No post-midnight dinners… except for one day, but I was really hungry. The only sad thing is that I was really lazy about drinking water this week. It didn’t appeal to me as it usually does. Probably due to my bag being so heavy from all the stuff I had to tote, but I’ll get back to my routine this week.

I’m working my way around to seriously studying for finals, as I have done bits and pieces here and there, but I have to get to beating those books, starting TONIGHT. At least I finally got around to (more like got motivation to) play with my make up. I did a few recreated looks from an amazing make up artist (I have no idea if she really is), called Maya Mia whom I found on Instagram. She’s very talented and I wish I could do make up, and my eyebrows in particular as well as her. You’ll probably be seeing those make up looks popping up on this blog in the coming weeks, starting this Wednesday.

Finally we’re past the rehashing let’s move on to this week’s goals:

  • Study for finals (no excuses) and take breaks when necessary
  • Hand in my project on time
  • Remember to carry my water bottle
  • Cook/bake something special this week
  • Spend less time playing Word Ruzzle (I’m addicted)

I’m going to give you this quote from last week again because I love it so and I need to learn and live it.