Aspiration Diaries #7

Typically I would have posted my weekly update by now, and this week I was a bit late to getting to it. Fortunately, I can say that I have accomplished a number of things from last week’s list. I’m a bit busy with studying, so this will be a really quick post.

Finally I remembered to post more than 3 times on my Instagram and  I had some time to chill with my friends for the week, granted that a few plans that I had made had fallen through. I have started my studying for finals, although I have a test and presentation next week which I am also working on before I go into full exam mode. I’m not sure I’ll be painting my nails this week as I’m not feeling quite up to it. I feel more like sleeping a bit longer.
I’ve been burning the midnight oil on my research project and what I have written so far is finally coming together. Now to finish up with the results so that it flows nicely and reinforces my thesis.

I really apologise for missing out Wednesday’s blog post, I had no idea what I was going to post, but I have quite a bargain for you on Monday. I don’t want to post it today and overwhelm with a number of posts in one day. Hint is it’s on skincare. You know I love me a good bargain!

Moving onto next week, I want to:

  1. Complete my introduction, references and experimental on the project.
  2. Find time to play with make up.
  3. Eat more regularly. (I’ve been quite bad about this and have been eating at the weirdest of times)
  4. Study for finals.
  5. Post to Instagram more than 4 times.

One more thing, I saw this website on Pinterest this morning and I found some nicely put quotes. One quote said,

I just love that, so I’m going to tell you have a great weekend, hear you all in a later post!

Happy Easter | Aspiration Diaries #6

Happy Easter everyone! I hope that you thought of the season as more than just pretty Easter eggs, bunnies and delicious Peeps, but remembered the shredding of the blood of Christ was the ultimate sacrifice for our lives.


This week was not what I expected, again I will ask time where he is running off to. I got a lot of things due, but just not enough. Feels like my to-do list is never-ending! I hoped to start the second instalment of my research project however, I had a few set backs which hindered me. The good thing about it was that this gave me time to unwind a bit, take a much needed break to just hang out with friends and do some light studying. Though by Thursday with so many things still left to be done, I was starting to get stressed and anxious. Not a combination for me haha.


I tried to remember to post to my Instagram, which I did 3 times for this week! I’m getting better. Life has just been so much work lately, it’s boring otherwise. I also tried to experiment with make up, one day I wore some blue eyeliner as you say in my FOTD post. The next day I got lazy and didn’t wear any eye product, yet somehow woke up with a mild eye infection :/. So very absurd. But was probably allergies because after some medication it was fine.

I forgot to write up an official study schedule for exams, but I will probably do that later today. Finally started to write up my project since I had Friday off. How refreshing is it to have an actual day off. I slept late, was relaxed when I woke up did a couple chores and some work.

I got a good set of my goals accomplished for the week, not always the way I anticipated, but strangely enough it worked out. Maybe I should worry less as my Dad is always telling me. But gosh there’s always so much to do, I don’t know if I can do it.

Anyway on to this week’s goals:

  1. TRY to worry less, but still keep to a schedule of what is to be done. If everything doesn’t go accordingly, let it go.
  2. Post more than 3 times for the week on my Instagram account.
  3. Spend more quality time (does not include rushed lunch) with my boyfriend, family and friends if possible. (not all at once duh)
  4. Study for finals and take breaks when necessary.
  5. Paint your nails this week to unwind.

Enjoy your Easter everyone and I hope that you have a great week!

Aspiration Diaries #5 & Update

Hey all! Yes, I know I said I’ll stick to a blogging schedule, but by the time I thought of a post for a certain day, the time was well past to write it, so I decided to take the week off. And a busy week it was. Thank God I didn’t have to stress about blogging too. Sometimes it’s hard to come up with good ideas, you know what I mean? Like when a lecturer tells you that you need to write an essay that’s due in a few days and all of a sudden, every great idea you had floating around in your head disappears. You get what I mean. Last week went by in a blur, I still can’t believe that it’s over.

As mentioned in my previous AD post (2 weeks ago), we had to plan a week of activities for our faculty and see it through. And I think it came off pretty well. Of course being a bit of a perfectionist, I still think there’s plenty of room for improvement and that some things could have gone a lot better, but overall the result was quite good. With the Beer lime being a huge hit for students and the Cocktail the talk of lecturers. So congratulations and thank you to the committee members for working so hard to put together such a good week! We all worked very hard and I think we did great!

If it’s one thing that I forgot for that week and even part of this one, was Instagram. I did not remember to post a picture of anything, not even of my outfits for the week. I was way too busy worrying about what was to happen when and arriving on time (which I still didn’t get done the best, sadly).

I definitely had fun for my faculty week though. Especially as it came to it’s end; it was a tad bittersweet, as the bonds that were forged may be severed as we wouldn’t have to completely rely on each other after this week. With Guild elections around the corner and a new committee to be coming in. Though this also meant less stress and meetings to attend haha. However I really did enjoy the whole ordeal.

By the time you are seeing this, I may already be on the road on my way to University carnival, which I’m hoping I can also have fun at and release some more stress before exams begin in May.
As this post is going on forever, let me just get to my goals for next week right now.

  1. Make a study schedule in order to maximise my time before the “study period” and stick to it.
  2. Remember that I have an Instagram and actually post pictures, not just like them.
  3. Do the necessary extra work needed for my research project, before it gets too late (I hate rushing to the finish)
  4. Try to experiment with more make up during the week. (no clown face though haha)
  5. Take BREAKS and reward yourself.\

How has your week been? Rough, busy, easy-breezy, moderate? I had a big reminder last week that I should remember to take a break sometimes, and especially involve (talk to, visit, spend time with) the persons who love and care about me. Hopefully you take breaks in your life too. I’m a workaholic… I need breaks more like brakes! haha.

Aspiration Diaries #4 (busy week!)

Hey all! It’s been quite a busy week. I’ve been up and down, lacking on sleep, flustered , stressed and so much more, but it’s the end of a week and here’s the update I promised.

First off, I only got 1 thing done off of my entire list. one thing was completed, that was the February photo challenge. It was fun to do, but I’m very disappoited that I was only able to finish that this week. I did try to keep blog posts consistent, however I do thing that there was one point when I was thrown a bit off of my schedule. I was not very strict with my spending this week, as I was at school for a lot longer doing tons more, but for next week I have a bit of a fail safe. I hope it works. I need to go to the supermarket to make sure this works though haha, when will I have time to get there…

So what has me so busy? I announed this in one of my previous videos, I am the Vice President of the student committee for my faculty (Science & Technology) and our week of activities are coming up. Actually it starts this Sunday and runs until Saturday. We’ve been having a number of meetings for the past few weeks, tying up a number of loose ends and making contact with those who we can to make sure all of our bases or covered. So many times for this week I have been at school earlier than anticipated. Add to that the fact that I am doing a research project and you have quite a hefty combination of activities.

I do hope that this week runs smoothly, as we’ve put a lot of time and effort into it and it is packed with activities. As for my research project, I’m hoping that that also goes how I’d appreciate (finally) for this week.

My friends and family hardly see me these days, it’s kind of hard, but I’m just praying that the hardwork pays off and that I will see my schedule free up again. Next week will be very busy so I think I will only put very simple goals for it.

  1. Post pictures to Instagram of my faculty week. (You can follow me here)
  2. Study for upcoming tests before weekend begins (I feel there is a fat chance of this happening, but a girl can dream..)
  3. Have FUN.

Do you have any goals for this week? was last week also very tough for you And is it just me, or are the days flying so quickly by, that it becomes a blur? Maybe that’s just me….

Aspiration Diaries #3

Hi everyone, I apologise that I haven’t been able to give you an update on last week’s goals or post new ones since the beginning of this week, as it has been quite hectic. So hectic in fact that it’s already Friday and strangely enough, I’m not excited. Btw, I’m going to be changing the title of these posts to Aspiration Diaries, I’ll be giving a summary of how the previous week’s goals went, things I need to work on and finally the next week’s goals.
Tracking back to last week’s goals, I feel very accomplished as I have been successful in completely a number of things *happy dance*. As you might have noticed, there were new posts this week and I have a ton more new ones scheduled to be posted. I have edited almost all ofmy pictures (watermark, resizing, exposure) and I just have one more set to be done, those will be on my post about Girlfriends Expo 2013. That may be posted by Saturday.
I also got up my DIY lip scrub tutorial which you can see here, in time for Valentine’s day along with its blog post.
I was also able to spend some time on Organic Chemistry, although this week’s assignment was a bit last minute, but no fault of mine at least. I will definitely be ready for next week’s assignment, however I’m not all sure that I will be ready for the test this Monday. Sigh definitely need to run through a couple of things but I’m about half way in the revision at least.
As for the research project, I’ve been reading articles and more are being added with methods I may use along with background information. I think I may have 3 or 4 more articles to read. Then i can hopefully start my introduction.
I was also able to save a bit, granted being at schoo for longer hours than you intend seems to be the chief culprit for expenditure (buying snacks to study with etc). I will conttinue to work kn it, perhaps buying snacks at the supermarket, rather than campus and storing them in my locker.
I have been so busy that I hadn’t the chance to post pictures to my Instagram, but I will get on those pictures I have skipped ASAP! You csn follow me here.

Finally moving onto my goals for next week:

1. Record, edit and post my announcement video for my channel.
2. Keep blog posts consistent (maybe twice a week at least).
3. Try to study more for Bio-organic and Medicinal Chemistry.
4. Continue to save (exploit the supermarket, campus food is pricey)
5. Try out more make up looks and post pictures to blog.
6. Remember to post on Instagram for my February challenge.

Last Week update & Goals for next week

Hey all!  Last week flew by so fast and was so busy I almost did not recognise it was the start of another week.  Although it is already mid-way through the week,  I going to give you a status update on last week along with some new goals for next week. 
One of my goals was to readthe literature associated with my research project within a week.  I really think that was a bit too ambitious for me.  I got some read,  however due to the language and juat how flooded with actual work I got,  I couldn’t read it all.  However that is going to be a running (long term) goal that I will hopefully have achieved before the end of February.  *fingers crossed*
The next goal I had was to start some planning for an event.  Strangely enough I did for 2 other events during the week and saw progres for this one at the beginning of this week.  I will continue to work on the planning for that particular event next week however.
I remembered to remove all my eye make up before bed!  Yay!  Like the only goal I completed fully,  haha.  I jope to keep in the habit if doing that.  Although I may not wear a boat load of make up to school,  it’s better for your skin and even your lashes,  to clean off the gunk coating them all day long.
I did save some money, but…  Let’s say GFE as mentioned last year,  was this weekend and I ended up spending on transportation and a few items from the expo.  Haul on that later though.  I was so busy the weekend working there,  that I only had time to do pending assignments and instagram a quick pic, so sorry no blog post. BTW you can follow me @thebajanchristina I usually follow a lot of people,  and like more than I post haha.
Finally,  I’m going to list my goals for the rest of this week and next week also.  I am going to usethe KISS rule and as I go on work on harder things, I’ve learnt my lesson being overly ambitious.
1. Edit the product pictures for upcoming blog posts (reviews included).
2. Edit and upload my DIY Lip scrub video. 
3. Work on scheduling time specifically for Organic Chemistry before weekend (it’s very demanding).
4. Remember to post to Instagram for my February photo challenge.
5. Continue to read the scientific journal articles associated with my project.
6. Save some money.
A face of the day from last week using my Wet n Wild trio in “I’m Getting Sunburned”.

Goals for this week

I had visited a blog last week and was inspired to write down (and publicise) my weekly goals.  It seemed like a good idea at the time,  as I could always check back and see what I have or have not accomplished. Usually if I have things to do,  I think them out in my head and occasionally write them down.  So this should be better for me,  plus I’ll be somewhat under your scrutiny if I haven’t achieved my goals.
I’ll start easy this week. Mind you, as I am a busy student, all of my weekly goals may not be beauty-related. 
By the end of this week I will have
1. Completed my reading (of journal articles) for my research project so that I have my background knowledge.
2. Gotten started on planning (theme included) for a student committee event.
3. Saved some money.
4. Remembered to remove my eye make up before bed.
5. Written another blog post at some point during the week.
Those are it for now.  Five goals that should be attainable for this week.  Let’s keep our fingers crossed that I can do it. What are your goals for the week?  Do you usually write them diwn,  or just go by memory?