Maybelline Baby Lips Review

Today I havea review of a product I think I will mention in my Favourites of 2012, if I ever get around to making one. I’m still compiling my list for that. I am a lover  of lip balms and this one I’ve heard mixed reviews of, but I still decided to buy it and try it out. I’m extremely glad that I did, because I think I am in love with this lip balm, the Maybelline Baby Lips.

I have the Maybelline Baby lips lip balm in #10 Peppermint which has SPF20 in it as well. That’s a good bonus because lips get sunburnt too! This lip balm was $6.75BDS which is a good standard price compared to others I have gotten here. I got it at Collins Pharmacy and there were also a couple other flavours as well as some tinted ones. For the price you pay you do get a lot of product, the twist-up tube is abosultely full of lipbalm and although I’m been using it a while, I’ve barely made a dent in it.

Peppermint is a clear lip balm that goes on smoothly with a nice sheen to the lips and tastes slightly of mint, however it’s nowever as minty or refreshing as the Victoria Secret Lip Rush lipgloss in peppermint I used to have like 3 years ago. That was just bomb. It felt like you had just brushed your teeth when using that.

 Anyway, the Baby Lips lasts I’d say 3-4 hours with the shine provided you don’t constantly lick your lips and it really does leave your lips feeling super soft and hydrated. As for the packaging, I don’t know if a more mature person would buy this, it does look like a teen’s lip balm, but it really does work. I don’t mind it, I’m still pretty young. The tube and it’s cover are plastic, with the cover being clear so you can see the lipbalm from the top. Similar to Nivea lip balms it has a slight click cover, which holds pretty securely, but I would still be a bit worried to just throw this in my purse without it losing it’s cap. It’s nice and compact though, definitely something you can slip in your pocket and not worry about when you sit.


The formula is not sticky, but it does feel like it remains on the lips for a while before it wears off. Exactly after wearing off, your lips still feel nice and moisturised, but what’s weird about using this product is that the feeling without it does not last. If it were to wear off in 3 hours and you don’t reapply in 1 hour or so, it feels like you’re in the desert or dehydrated… or something. I’ve never felt that way with other lip balms, not to the extent of this one, and if you know me, you know I’m always drinking water.

I have been using this since late October/ early November and I have recognised a difference in the softness of my lips. They don’t peel like before and they need less exfoliation, though I still do exfoliate a few times a week. The product does feel like it absorbs into the lips over time and that’s probably why it made my lips feel so much softer. You also don’t need a lot of the product. I put this on at any time of the day and I love to slather it on at night. I wake up with my lips feeling “baby soft”.

The Verdict:

  • Affordable
  • Good amount of product
  • Only need a small amount for usage
  • Slight peppermint taste
  • Gives lips a bit of shine depending on how much you put on
  • Really make lips feel soft, and peel less


  • Packaging though bright and fun may not suit all ages
  • Cover could get loose in a handbag

The Raw Sugar:
For a lover of lip balms like myself, especially since my lips are always peeling. i think this is a great buy and I can’t wait to go buy it in quenched and maybe the tinted formula. I like peppermint, but it’s not as minty as I had anticipated. However it does leave my lips extremely soft, I feel like rubbign them together all the time.

Where you can find it: Collins Pharmacy (Barbados)
Drugstores (USA)

Disclaimer: This product review was not sponsored, I purchased this with my own money. This is my HONEST opinion on this product.