Another year of Pride & Industry! 47 years of Independence!

A great big Happy Independence goes out to Barbados and all my Bajan readers! I know I posted some Thanksgiving deals during the week, but trust that I did not forget our lovely island’s celebrations! I sadly wanted to create a very Independence-themed makeup look but the time has gotten away, as I’ve explained in Wednesday’s post. I’ll see if I can put up an OOTD or FOTD when I go out tomorrow.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy this photo that I took while roaming Bridgetown one Saturday evening. Nothing says Barbados quite like Bridgetown, it may change stores here and there but it’s mostly the same. Despite the hiccups we’ve been experiencing with our government and economy, I am proud to be BARBADIAN!

Have a safe and happy Independence day! Here’s to another 47 years of Pride and Industry!

Lazy Sunday Chit Chat: Crop Over 2012 & Music

It’s Crop over again. I’m actually pretty late with announcing that here, but I just am not feeling it this year. Last year I was so excited for Crop Over. I’d turn on my radio everyday and blast the songs and dance around. I loved so many of last year’s songs compared to now. I heard a few songs before the season started, and all it left me to think was, “what is bajan music coming to?”.

It’s just mediocre nowadays. I mean I haven’t listened to very many, but what I’ve heard does not make me want to listen to more. I’m not going to quote lyrics or anything, my close friends know what songs I am referring to, but since when have we settled with making such plain, tasteless, jokey rhymes? It’s just not enough to come out straight and say what you mean. It’s almost like an insult to my intelligence. There’s no double entendre, or a smart way to speak about your subject, as the older folk did for years.

When I was younger, I would have thought the lyrics to a song were referring to something simple, but as I grew, or learnt about the situation in that time, I recognised, there was a serious and deep meaning behind the song. Even party songs or yesteryear, involved something that children could hear without understanding fully what the song meant. I don’t want to sound like an old bat, but where was the skill in spinning tasteful lyrics gone?

I wish I could write a song about it. However, Soca, or Calypso is not for me. That also is what I think a lot of the younger artists are not realising. Yes, Soca, Calypso and even Spouge are our artforms, but this doesn’t mean it’s for everyone. Can I paint my own nails, yes barely, but would I open a nail art shop? No, not unless I know I could provide good quality designs. In the same way, people who can sing should not only look into Soca or Calypso because they think it’s easy, but also into other forms of music. They should perfect their art before they release some of the songs they sing. I really don’t understand how some recording studios are just letting people get away with these things. But money makes the world go around right?

I feel like Bajans have also become a little too complacent with their tastes. I like quality in my music. I may like the occasional crude or stupid song, but I for the most part, I like things that are tasteful, that I would not be ashamed to share with the world as my favourite song.

Mind you, if I go in a party or a fete and these songs playing I still would dance to them, because the beats are good, and if you were to take away the lyrics, it’s same to me. For general listening however, us bajans need to up our lyrics game.

That’s what I’ve been thinking about this Sunday. What do you think of the new Soca and Calypso, or just party songs? Think I’m being to harsh? Is there any song you think I should definitely listen to? Or do you feel the same way? Are you also feelign rather meh with this coming Crop Over?


30 Day Song Challenge- Day 9 & 10

I soooo did not forget about this challenge.. I promise I didn’t! I will not be using exams as my excuse either, I just kinda put it off for too long. So I’ll be picking up where I left off. BTW for those with exams, I wish you the best of luck, study hard and pray that you do well too!

Day 09: A song that you can dance to

Well for me there’re tons of those and since I’ve showcased American, Asian and just a snip it of Caribbean, I think I’ll choose a song straight from home, Barbados! One of the more recent tracks from one of my favourite Soca artistes though, in my opinion his songs aren’t as good as the years past. Guh Down by Lil Rick (the Hypa Dawg)

Day 10: A song that makes you fall asleep

 Ok I couldn’t pick, I have 3 songs for this one, all slow, all Asian. The first one is Korean, sung by the gorgeous Son DamBi and is named “Invisible Man”. The lyrics in this song are very meaningful and beautiful.

The next song is from the Taiwanese drama, It Started With a Kiss by Lara and is called “Kao Jin Yi Dian Dian” or “Come a little Closer” in English. It’s really soothing on the ears.
Finally the last song of this post is taken from the sequence to It Started With a Kiss, which is called “They Kiss Again”. This song is sung by my favourite character, Xiang Qin who is played by my favourite Taiwanese actress, Ariel Lin ^___^. She sings this at the end of the show, it’s such a sweet song. This is Ni by Ariel Lin.
Lyrics in Traditional Chinese, Hanyu Pinyin & English

Listening to these now has me sleepy… -__-ZZzzz