It’s 4 a.m.

It’s 4:39 a.m and I’m still awake, it’s not like I have insomnia or something, just I went to sleep a little too early, earlier than usual so here I am finally completing work I should have done when I had gotten home. But I’m finished now and just chilled and prepping for bed. 
Recently I’ve gotten myself into another facebook game, this one is a classic though. From the makers of Restaurant City and Pet Society, Playfish presents…*drumroll* MONOPOLY MILLIONAIRES! I loved Monolpoly as a child, although most of the time I played it was by myself (blame if on being the last child haha), fun I had my fun. Like a year ago I would play Monopoly online with my friend and other players from around the world on this board game site, which sadly I can’t remember the name of. We would spend hours just playing Monopoly, although this site made my computer fairly laggy, but I worked out something until I could play and still have other sites and applications open. (Did I mention that I love multi-tasking?)

At school whenever it was end of term, we would always play Monopoly, Uno or just cards, playing Monopoly Millionaires brings back a lot of old memories… sigh. (I’m not that old by the way, in case you were wondering haha). 
So this game is basically the same of the classic Monopoly with a few tweaks and interesting differences here and there. But mostly it’s just like the old thing. I hope they don’t even change the simplicity of this game as they have with Restaurant City and Pet Society, the only other Playfish games I play often, I also play Hotel City, I find I don’t like that as much as the others two.

If you want to check this game out, I’ll leave a link at the bottom of the page. But i’m going to be off to bed for now… while after my rolls are out hahahaha.

Don’t you want to be a MONOPOLY Millionaire??  (Facebook link)

Disclaimer: This post is not sponsored by any company besides the boredom of my mind and some late night work. I just thought I should share this fun new, well not new, but classic game with you. Hope you check it out!