Ring the Alarms.. it’s a Boyfriend Invasion of this blog!

Sound the alarms! Ring the bells! And call the blog police! It’s the “Boyfriend Invasion”…

Oh what a sensation and a trill it is to be the one writing this post for you awesome readers. It’s me, Tyrell that loveable peach of a Boyfriend that appears from time to time to shake things up a bit and cleverly forcing those smiles on your faces to jump out. Speaking of smiles, I was walking through a store doing some shopping for some guy stuff and as I was passing through the makeup and female beauty section.
I caught myself checking out the beauty products, how weird is that? What’s even weirder was that I had a huge smile on my face because I knew the difference between foundation, concealer and finishing powder. It was crazy!  As if the store phenomenon was not weird enough, I find that when random females walk by I can tell what make up suits their complexion, what powders they should use, if they need foundation or finishing powder and when they need to stop looking like a box of Crayola “jizzed” on their face. 

Ladies it’s because I do not want to be alone in this world of guys who understand and check out make up that I have invaded this blog to bring to you three (3) easy yet effective ways to get your guys more interested in your make-up and beauty products. Now why do you want this?  Santa is coming to town in a couple days and I’m sure some of you ladies have been naughtier as opposed to being nice wink wink…. Enough said. Santa isn’t gifting you it’s us, the boyfriend the husbands and the nice guy in your friend zone. Therefore having a guy who understands what you like and what may help you look even more beautiful than you already are would definitely bring a joyful smile to your holiday.

 The truth is this method is what got me interested in makeup and made me start paying attention to it. I did some acting some time ago and I had my very own professional makeup artist ha-ha you know who. She made me look amazing and during the process she told me everything she was using. So it’s no secret what this step is about. Get your guy in a chair, get your brushes and your powders and make him up. Most guys are actually just as vain as females and they like to know they look hot. As you are creating a look on your guy talk him through the process let him see what you’re using and what you’re doing.  With the end result make him wow. It is important that you take pictures to save and preserve the moment to remind him of how awesome it made him look.

The Live show is a true eye opener for most males so it is a safe bet considering you can pull it off. This is where you find the time to sit down with your guy and give him a live show of you making yourself pretty.  I suggest you apply make up to one half of your face and leave the other natural at the end your guy will notice the difference. Men are logical creatures we thrive on things that make sense but sometimes it’s hard to see the value of something if it isn’t in our face. Therefore using the live show and with a little bit of explanation show your guy what you can do.

If you are bold enough and you trust him enough ladies this will work for you. Give him the chance to do your make up.
That’s all it takes!

Until next time I stage an invasion here…
*wink wink*

He Surprised me!

I know I hadn’t bloggedmuch of my life since my birthday post. I’ve actually been quite busay with lab write ups and essays for these final weeks through the wringer. BUT, I must say I thoroughly enjoyed my birthday! Tyrell, my boyfriend as you may knowthrew a surprise birthday party for me at the beach with some of my most close friends :).

It was the biggest highlight of my week. I am going do a video an my birthday, though I’m not sure how much of the video is usuable because we were on the beach at night, and then the light kind of went out and we were just left with candles hahaha.

Nonethless, it was so much fun and I know a lot of planning and care went into it. Usually I plan stuff and sometimes I feel like I would pull my hair out when things aren’t running on schedule or when I’m feeling a bit overwhelmed. This was huge! BUT Tyrell did a great job at keeping me guessing, especially since I had a feeling that he would do it, but then my friends (who he got in on it) actually played some leading and confusing roles in this crazy production. Pretending to forget when my birthday was and even asking me to go to a practice on the same day with them hahaha.

Every thing was just perfect! But, more on that in a vlog, it’s so much easier to yap yap yap, than to type sometimes hahaha. So Stay tuned if you want to see that. ALSO I wll include the outfit that I wore on my birthday 🙂

AND in case you are not sure who Tyrell is, check out this video!

To Him With Love- Accessories

Hey everyone! Another post on what to get you guy during this Holiday season. If you haven’t seen the previous posts on what to get your guy, click here! Looking for something for your lady, clickity ici!
This post is a bit more generalised because it speaks about accessories, and truthfully accessories is a very broad category. I’m going to try to break it down into music, gaming, cases and .. for lack of a better name, others. hahaha.
Gift Ideas- Acessories (Male)

Ladies like accessories which are shiny and new and pretty to tote around, who said boys didn’t either? Most guys seem to have a fascination with gadgets as I mentioned in this post. What better way to enhance the performance or even personalize your favourite gadget than with your own accessories?  Headphones are the perfect way to enhance your listening experience and now with all the cool designs on the market, you can stand out with some really cool earwear. If your guy has an mp3 player or iPhone, a great gift would be an iHome where he could listen to his music while charging his device and also use it as a alarmclock.
Our gadgets are our investments, so why not protect them from the elements, if you realise your guy’s phone is being subjected to some harshtreatment then you can look into getting him a case. Not only is it affordable, but it’ll save him a lot of damage in the long run. The same goes for any case really, laptop cases or bags, for tablet users protective covers or screen protectors work magic and keep your gadgets like new.
What is cooler than having the “best” game console? Having people to play it with! The restraint of most of these systems is that they come with like 2 controllers, and that’s not always fun when your guy is hosting a games night or something such. What’s better is an extra controller, so why not get your boyfriend one? (he’d love you foreverrr hahaha, but really.. it’s a good idea). Plus you could use it as your excuse to spend time bonding with your boyfriend while you both play and you may even end up beating him at his own game.
Random accessories…
Nice pens are nice to remember people by in my opinion because every time you pick it up to write, your boyfriend would think, my thoughtful girlfriend bought this pen for me. ^__^ Wallets, though a typical gift are also very thoughtful and useful. For the utility man who is always fixing something or encountering a situation, I think Swiss Army knivesw are the best gift. It has so many uses and is the perfect accessory, especially when added to keys.
I wasn’t sure if to put bags under cases or not, but I’ll still mention it, it’s a very useful gift especially if the quality is good, because your guy can lug around all the things he needs in it.
Hopefully this post wasn’t too long and you did gain some knowledge on good guy “accessories”. Until next post!

Happy Birthday BABE!!!

This is a special post to someone who has been hinting to me to write about them, or mention them in posts and videos. Many of you may not have realised because I have only been subtly placing hints about this person in my videos and even a few posts.

This person’s been keeping me sane (or insane as they like to say), pushing me on from the shadows, inspiring me daily, making me happy when I’m freaking out (dreaded school work), keeping me smiling with their absolute silliness. Always being enteraining. They’ve even been trying to expland my music knowledge into Rap.. like come on.. what’s wrong with liking Pop?  😛 haha.

He’s been waiting for me after classes just so we get to spend our special time to talk about our day and things bothering us. He’s been trying to replace my bestest friends, Ash and Shanele, which I will be reminding him that he hasn’t, so ha!

OY, this is getting so sappy…but I’ll go on.

This guy has been looking out for me, taking care of me, making sure I’m always ontop of my studies, even through some crazy late nights.. where I tend to fall asleep hahahah. Mind you, I was used to taking care of myself, with the help of my family and my closest friends, but it’s really been very refreshing with this person.

This person is my boyfriend and I can definitely say that I’m extremely happy that he’s in my life now, it has been a really fun time with you here, and I don’t regret it for a second. The perfect timing 🙂

Dancing in empty carparks, playing mobile phone golf, cheesy romantic lines, ….My spotlight stealer.

TYRELL, you finally have an entire post on my blog and it’s for your birthday ^__^.  SO now you can’t charge me for using your “fame” in this one hahahaha.