Turquoise or Violet ends? | Hair

Hey all! I don’t know if you saw my post from Friday, but it was going to be a Sleepless, eventful, busy weekend for me. Sadly it even run into this week, as my posting schedule is a little off. Crop Over was good and well enjoyed even though I was working, but more on that this Friday. Let’s not forget the Weekly Wednesday Blog Hop! Click the button below and get hopping 🙂

Today wanted to do a hair post on these two colours I’m stuck between. I once had purple hair. Yes, no joke. It wasn’t the purple I wanted, but it was fun enough to make me content. Now, 4 years later I want to do something fun with my hair again!

Look at that colour vibrancy!

I’ve had these photos saved on my computer and Pinterest for some time and every time I see them, I want to try this cool ombre effect. I know ombre is getting old, but who cares, the pop of colour at the ends is fun!
Can we just take a moment to admire how gorgeous this turquoise is?


My biggest fears are how it would look on my texture hair and with my skin tone… But I still love it! Is my hair even long enough for this?


I would love to do something like this with just the ends though. Not my entire head. Maybe mix the ombre, so I have a bit of violet and a bit of turquoise like that.


Hmm, so tell me what you think. Could I rock these bright, crazy colours? Would you?