Burts Bees Honey Lip Balm | Review

Hi guys, I have a really brief review of the Burt’s Bees Honey Lip balm with Vitamin E. FYI for this post, I’m not a natural/organic product advocate nor do I believe in only natural products working for me, but I was very impressed by this product. I bought the Burt’s Bees Honey lip balm at Collins Pharmacy for about $6 and I must say that it is very easy to wear and use. It’s not too slippery or glossy, but it does feel like it nourishes my lips fully. I think this product would be best under a lip liner or a matte lipstick as it has a very good staying power, but isn’t so moisturising that everything you apply over it slips off.

There’s hardly any scent to irritate my nose or even stop me from wanting to eat, as I have experienced with other lip balms over the years. I had heard that this was a good lip balm, but it wasn’t until I tried it that I knew this would be something that I would want to repurchase. I still really like my Maybelline Baby lips though. I don’t think this could replace it, but until Collins has more stock so I can get a few spares, I’ll be using this.

The Honey Lip balm is a colourless formula, and there are also other formulas with colour and shimmer in them, but I wasn’t too interested in those as I already have a number of lip sticks and glosses. But they would probably be good for children or persons who want to branch out into colourful lips. I’m yet to see the pigmentation on those however.

The Verdict:

  • Affordable
  • Lots of product
  • A little goes a long way
  • Moisturising formula
  • 100% Natural
  • Great for layering under lipstick


  • Can feel a bit waxy at first and needs warming up on lips

The Raw Sugar:
I really like this product and I keep it close-by for when my lips are feeling chapped. I love that it isn’t the same glossy (or greasy) appearance that I got from the Maybelline Baby Lips. I heard there’s also a medicated or mint flavoured one from Burts Bees, I want to try that one as well.

Where you can find it: Collins Pharmacy (Barbados), Drug stores USA

Disclaimer: This product was bought with my own money and opinions are my own.