I just wanted to say….

Before the champagne bottles are popped, before the New Years kisses are given, before the clock chimes 12 and 2014 is here, I just wanted to wish you all a very happy new year and thank you for your support here in 2013! Never had I had so many opportunities, and experiences before related to beauty and blogging and I’m very grateful to have been so involved this year. This was a year of self realisations, and now as we move into 2014, I want this new year to be one of growth, promotion and enjoyment.


I was telling my boyfriend the other day that I don’t promote my blog enough to the Barbadian populace, furthermore to those around me. It’s a very well kept secret unless you’re very close to me (or so I think). So this coming year, I’m going to try my hardest to make sure I get the content I’ve worked so hard on out there. In 2013, I’ve been able to improve my posting times, and my content from that of 2012 and I aim to get even better in 2014. I no longer want to let opportunities pass me by. This may not be conventional, but it definitely is something I enjoy doing, so why not share it!

Looking forward to pushing on into 2014. Thank you all for sticking through with me! Have a safe and fun beginning to the new year!


Oh and here’s a little something I was able to work in this year that I’m quite proud of :).

Another year of Pride & Industry! 47 years of Independence!

A great big Happy Independence goes out to Barbados and all my Bajan readers! I know I posted some Thanksgiving deals during the week, but trust that I did not forget our lovely island’s celebrations! I sadly wanted to create a very Independence-themed makeup look but the time has gotten away, as I’ve explained in Wednesday’s post. I’ll see if I can put up an OOTD or FOTD when I go out tomorrow.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy this photo that I took while roaming Bridgetown one Saturday evening. Nothing says Barbados quite like Bridgetown, it may change stores here and there but it’s mostly the same. Despite the hiccups we’ve been experiencing with our government and economy, I am proud to be BARBADIAN!

Have a safe and happy Independence day! Here’s to another 47 years of Pride and Industry!

Happy New Year!!

Just popping in to say… HAPPY 2013!! Have a Happy New Year and be sure to stay safe whatever you’re doing!

 I was trying to get a video up before midnight, but I’m not sure that will happen :(. Computer graphics card is having problems with editing and I’m trying to go easy on it. If I do get up a video, it won’t be editied :(.

Do you usually do resolutions for the new year? IF so what are they? Typically I don’t because change can happen at any time and to be honest, I always forget resolutions after January.

Anyway, I’m also going to go out and chill with my bf and my bff haha, so it should be an interesting night. I’ll see you in the new year!

A Sentimental One Hundred posts!

It’s been a long time since I first started this blog, I’ve missed my Blog anniversary even, but I feel reaching 100 posts is a milestone too. Thank you for sticking with me through the thick and thin, I know it’s been a rough ride. Sometimes I’d not post for weeks then I’d kind of go bananas with ideas, hahaha.

A big thank you to all my readers, either those following quietly or signed up through Twitter or Google Friend connect. Huge thank you to all of my SUPPORTERS! I have a great support team and I’ve come all this way because you each and every one of you that have supported me. Both family and friends, I’m always mentioning them here or in my videos.

I remember when I started off this blog, I wasn’t sure what to write on or even if people would take the time to read the ramblings of a science nerd. My first post was on cutting my hair, my week and a main feature on an Indian restaurant named Sitar that my family had been to, and while I wrote that post, I thought , “maybe this will turn into a food blog like The Daily Kimchi“. That was one of the first blogs that inspired me to write. It wasn’t only about food, but the writer took a great care into capturing the delicacies he was about to eat and still told an interesting story of his adventures of teaching in South Korea. That blog really inspired me and I’d definitely love to give him credit for it. I’m not sure if Gdog as he called himself still blogs, but I really appreciated the effort you put into your blog.

Some interesting history about this blog:

  1. The original name was the Lemon Happiness or something similar and the domain name was the Lemon Wedge Smile. For some reason I was extremely excited about that name and the thought of acid and sweet together was the perfect oxymoron for me.
  2. My blogger name was the Sour Jelly bean. I don’t know what it was about me and candy or sour anything at that point lol.
  3. I ended up neglecting this blog for sometime because I wasn’t managing my time well between  trying to post and do school work, so I made a deal. I would balance my time around this blog, school and YouTube and then I could reward myself by trying out Twitter. (Now a love of mine hahaha)
  4. I kept my blog separate and somewhat a secret from my Yotube until I was making good consistent content.
  5. As I got more interested in make up and followed more beauty bloggers I decided to capture my hauls with some amateur photography. (I still don’t have the best camera, but some day I’ll get a better one, hopefully a DSLR).

I use my blog as a time capsule almost, not for beauty blogging only, but I like to share my thoughts here, and find out if others are feeling the same way. I can look back at my thoughts, my feelings, and inspiration.

Through these 100 posts I feel like I have matured as my blog also has too. The template, layout and background has evolved and I hope to improve my writing and content with your help and support.

Again I’d like to thank everyone who has stuck around to see the changes that have come about.


Partying into 2012! Happy New Year!!!

The hours are winding down the the end of 2011 and everyone’s getting excited for 2012. What did you guys like the most about2011? What didn’t you like about it? What would you like to change for the coming year?

Image is not my own

 For me, 2011 has be a rollercoaster of a year. So many things have happened, stuff has changed in all sorts of ways. The beginning of my 2011 was uncertain for me, I had a lot on my plate for the new year, more importantly, the new semester. I was going to try to keep my videos consistent, blog regularly and ace all my courses for the semester. As the year went on, things seemed grey, but by the end of the year, ^__^ there’s that light at the end of the tunnel.

Then I started school in the Spring semester and I tried to make videos as much as I could, always getting Shanele and Ash in on the action. It was all going well until March haha, (trust UWI), then school started getting crazy with lots of work and other personal things started to pop up.  However, I tried to push on and started back making videos as much as I could, and then it was finally summer. Time to relax and make more fun videos with Ash, Shanele and all my other good friends! Yay!

As you guys may have realised I had a lot of issues with my camera and lighting at the beginning of the year and during the summer one of my bestest friends, Blackman as seen in the “Blackman look” gifted me with this beautiful handy Toshiba Camcorder, which I would forever be grateful for. Thank you so much Blackman if you’re reading this :).

Not only were my videos getting better, but you could say I had a life-changing summer. When people ask me about my summer I would always say it was crazy or just kind of daze and thing about it because it was a bit indescribable. I had fun with my friends for graduation weekend, lost something every dear to me, made new close friend, and sadly had to grow away from my best friend Shanele because she was going off to study abroad.

I call it life-changing because the series of these events helped me to make a new alliance. One that I’m definitely not regretting. You may have been able to guess by now what had happened as the person did have an entire post dedicated to them. If you guessed right, I’m talking about Tyrell, my boyfriend, and the amazing things he  does. I’m not usually the type of girl to go on and on about a guy I like or anything like that really. I’m actually quite private about my own relationships, but I must say he’s different and he’s like a best friend and a boyfriend, it’s really intriguing. Anyway for more about him you can read this post, hahah. He may want to charge me for his “fame” again :P.

The Fall semester has also been hard, I definitely have not been making videos as much as I was in the Spring semester, and there were tons of computer problems this time. But thanks to the help of my awesome supporting group of friends and family I was able to rally round and survive this whack semester. Now to see the results or all the hard-work… meh!

The year is going to an end.. in less than 7 hours. Am I excited for the new year? Not really, there’s not much difference between a year changing and a day changing for me, except fireworks of course. But do I think the best part about the year changing, is spending it with the people who make you happy and having fun together to end and start a year. Honestly we should do that  everyday, making ourselves jolly and making good times that last forever in our memories.

As we all look back on 2011 in the closing hours of this year, I’d like to wish you the best for 2012 and remember to look at the good times of 2011 as your motivation for the bad times in 2012 (because there will be those times).

Image is not my own

Here’s a quote I need to remember for the new year, it may help you too. (taken from the Tawainese drama “Smiling Pasta”)

“Just keep smiling there’s nothing you can’t overcome.”

HAPPY NEW YEAR! Be safe and vigilant!

(A late) Happy 45th Independence!

Happy 45th Independence!
(Image is not my own)

Hey all! I just wanted to run in a give a quick Independence hello to you all. Actually I’m late, but I was busy all day, finals are coming up.. meh :(. But on the good side, I had a day off, mostly because I ended up sleeping so much, hahaha.


Hope all my fellow Bajans had a great Independence day and as promised, I will continuing the rest of the Independence post. However that may be up by the weekend. I hope you don’t mind the the wait.

Until next post.. Studying away the days…


Happy Birthday BABE!!!

This is a special post to someone who has been hinting to me to write about them, or mention them in posts and videos. Many of you may not have realised because I have only been subtly placing hints about this person in my videos and even a few posts.

This person’s been keeping me sane (or insane as they like to say), pushing me on from the shadows, inspiring me daily, making me happy when I’m freaking out (dreaded school work), keeping me smiling with their absolute silliness. Always being enteraining. They’ve even been trying to expland my music knowledge into Rap.. like come on.. what’s wrong with liking Pop?  😛 haha.

He’s been waiting for me after classes just so we get to spend our special time to talk about our day and things bothering us. He’s been trying to replace my bestest friends, Ash and Shanele, which I will be reminding him that he hasn’t, so ha!

OY, this is getting so sappy…but I’ll go on.

This guy has been looking out for me, taking care of me, making sure I’m always ontop of my studies, even through some crazy late nights.. where I tend to fall asleep hahahah. Mind you, I was used to taking care of myself, with the help of my family and my closest friends, but it’s really been very refreshing with this person.

This person is my boyfriend and I can definitely say that I’m extremely happy that he’s in my life now, it has been a really fun time with you here, and I don’t regret it for a second. The perfect timing 🙂

Dancing in empty carparks, playing mobile phone golf, cheesy romantic lines, ….My spotlight stealer.

TYRELL, you finally have an entire post on my blog and it’s for your birthday ^__^.  SO now you can’t charge me for using your “fame” in this one hahahaha.