5 Study tips before Exams hit! | Life

Hey all! I’m a university student, but I hardly ever talk about uni any more. Probably because I’m usually so stressed out and busy that I hardly have the time to any more. Anyway, I wanted to share a few study tips which could be very helpful before exams in December. I’m such a bad student that I haven’t even checked out the exam timetable as yet, I just don’t want to see the gloom until it’s finalised, hahah!


1. Study Continuously.
This is obvious, but sometimes we say we’ll do that and it goes well for the first 4 weeks of classes, then all of a sudden we’re too busy and want a break to just be lazy and do nothing in our free time. In the bit of time you’re waiting for transportation or between classes, try to review your class notes. It makes for the world of difference when you do review before you get home, because we all know this equation:

Home = distractions + tiredness = no work getting done. 


The next day you may be asked a question or even a bonus question in class and you can wow your class and your lecturer with your knowledge!

2. Set a day in every week for strictly studying. 
There’s a time and place for everything, and with Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest… oh goodness. It seems like it’s never the time to study. Not to mention if you have chores to do, friends to hang out with and a job? It’s a really juggling act.
Set a particular day for ONLY studying for every week of the semester.You can really get a lot done by doing that. you don’t have to study the entire day, but take some time out for reading notes, making additions, researching and even doing small practice questions. I do this on Sundays so on Monday my brain isn’t still groggy from the weekend. You know how that is.

3. Sacrifice a little, Gain a lot.
From young my mother always taught me about sacrificing playing games, watching TV among other things to make school work my first priority. Then it seemed cruel, (still kinda does) but now I see why. You can have so much more time to just sit and read or do assignments if you’re not procrastinating on the couch watching E!, Esquire or Food Network. I’m telling you, I hardly see any TV during the semester. It’s weird at first when people have all these fun shows to tell you about, but you know what, it’ll pay off in the end. Getting rid of distractions is a very good technique for managing your study time.


4. Take a break and Reward yourself.
Yes you deserve it! Just as important as studying, you must take breaks. If you really want/need to watch the new Scandal episode schedule your study around it, so you can take a break just to watch the show. You could also go out every now and then to reward yourself for sticking to your studying. What ever you choose just remember moderation is key, don’t go overboard, 1 YouTube video turns into an avalanche of random videos before long, just like a Facebook minute ends up being an 1 hour. ( guilty as charged)

5. Keep calm when it starts to get hectic.
It’s really hard to stay calm sometimes and you want to scream! Heck sometimes do I scream and it helps me to feel a bit better. I like to schedule things, not to be thrown random assignments popping up, so I get a bit flustered when everyone piles on the work at once. But we have to remember to keep calm, breathe and think of ways to make it work.
Prioritise your tasks not only by due date but level of difficulty, because it’s more useful to do the difficult thing first, rather than start with the easier one. That way when due dates are approaching you have only the smaller things to complete.

I try to follow most of these tips when I’m studying, especially more recently. What tips you have to be most productive when studying?

Perceptions of Makeup at School | Chit Chat

Hey lovies! It’s been a while since I got a personal on my blog, save for weekly updates. I thought this was a good topic to talk about, because in Barbados where I live, unlike the US wearing makeup at school can be quite a big deal, even at college.


One time, I  wanted to feel a bit special, so I spent some time that morning on my make up. I think I was wearing deep blue eye-liner or something. This was back when blue eye-liner was my go-to. While at school, a guy I knew vaguely asked me, “amm.. why are you wearing makeup?” I looked at him in a most puzzled way and replied, “because I felt like”.

What exactly is so wrong with just a little makeup for classes? Maybe I like it and feel good in it. Maybe it makes me feel a bit more put together. Maybe I have somewhere to go after classes. Whatever the case, I don’t think anything is wrong with a little makeup for classes.

Source | Keep it fresh  and simple like this for classes. 

Now that doesn’t mean you need to go all out with foundation, concealer, magic brows (I like to call them), fake lashes, blush and smokey eyes… You get what I mean. It can be a bit distracting and for some reason people just won’t take you seriously. It’s the real sad part about being a makeup or beauty enthusiast. People think because you’re into makeup that you don’t have ambition or interests outside of beauty.

For me, I am a lover of makeup and skincare, I don’t mind if people ask me about products. I love sharing tips and products that work. But outside of my interest in makeup, I’m an avid scientist. My major is Chemistry, and I aspire to go into the field of Food Science. Not sure what areas as yet, but I have some time to decide on it.

Source | Neutrals are good for classes and a pop of colour adds fun to your make up.

So don’t be fooled, when you see a girl sporting a bit of makeup at school. We’re not dumbies, sometimes we have ambitions and goals too. Refrain from asking me why I’m wearing makeup,  it’s rude. Try a compliment instead. I bet it’ll get you further.

Hanging Out with Friends & Going Out! | Back to School Style Collab

Hey all! We’re back again this week with our more fun outfits. Apologies this wasn’t up earlier. School tends to do that :(. Anyway today we’re chilling out with friends and going out to parties! See our outfits after the jump. I hope you enjoyed this style collab, check out all our blogs for more posts.
If you missed part 1, click here!

As each of us are from varying academic levels and parts of the world, you’ll see a good set of variation in our outfits.

Find Christina on…
Chrisamor Goodie Jar

Find Jasmine on…
Style & All The Jass blog

Find Lucy on…
Mystery Writing blog (Lucy writes about a multitude of things, everything from fashion to film)


Find Mandy on…
Stickers & Skirts blog

Photos after the jump!

Jasmine loves to be cozy when hanging out:

During the fall in New York it can be nice and warm in the day and chilly at night. You want to be able to wear something that can be converted into both types of weather so this is why I paired a light motor jacket with a crop top. Fall in New York also means the return of dark colors. Weather its black, greys or dark greens. I try to look fashionable on budget and Forever21 is a great place to do that.

Mandy loves to dress up when she’d headed out:

random outfit

This is my going out outfit. I usually stick with a nice dress, and a cardigan because I’m always super cold. I love these topshop boots because they are super edgy, but comfortable and easy to walk and/or dance in.

Christina loves to look chill when hanging out:

It’s hot in Barbados all year round, so when I chill with friends, I usually think of comfort, unless we’re going to some swanky place. I could go from classes to the beach, house party or elsewhere in this look without any effort. Shorts are a year-round thing (although this week’s been raining buckets). I also love this magenta peplum top I got from JCPenney, that I layered a white F21 cami under it in case it got cooler later. Shoes are from Payleess Shoe Source, I love these sandals! My bag is from Call it Spring, just my everyday purse. I would also add a cardigan to this, but I had forgotten it, haha!

Lucy loves a good party: 

So here’s my going out look, I love this look because its so easy to dress up or down, if you’re off somewhere that’s not that fancy but still want to make an effort – swap the heels for flats, perfect!
Kimono, Primark: £15
Cami Top, Topshop: £18
Shorts, Levi’s  (second hand, Urban Outfitters): £20
Shoes, New Look: £25

Bag, Dorothy Perkins: £11
Necklace, Primark: £4

I’m still clutching onto the hope that it’s summer here, but this look still works in winter, just make sure to take a coat too! Specifically over here in freezing cold England!

Stay tuned on my blog for more about this look and others!

Casual College Fall (outfit)

Hey all just a a quick outfit for you guys!

I had a dream this one time and I’m sure in that dream I saw this really nice patterned skirt  and top like this..
HAHA got you there didn’t I?

I was actually at school one day and this girl passed me in the beautiful patterned skirt, and I fell in love with it. Then later that same day, if I remember correctly, a light cardigan triggered me to match the two in my head. What do you know, I went on polyvore and found a pretty nice patterned skirt, definitely not as pretty as the one the girl worn, but I really do love the colour of the cardigan.

If it were Fall in Barbados (as we never gt a pronounced Autumn season), I could see myself sporting this on a warm (not hot or nippy) day. Including the heels! I actually am in love with those and the bag. I used to have a bag with a similar style and stopped wearing it years back. It’s funny to see the style has returned.

Sadly, as a science student, this outfit is not as practical as it would be for others, but I still love it to pieces! What do you think? Would you change anything about it?