Turquoise or Violet ends? | Hair

Hey all! I don’t know if you saw my post from Friday, but it was going to be a Sleepless, eventful, busy weekend for me. Sadly it even run into this week, as my posting schedule is a little off. Crop Over was good and well enjoyed even though I was working, but more on that this Friday. Let’s not forget the Weekly Wednesday Blog Hop! Click the button below and get hopping 🙂

Today wanted to do a hair post on these two colours I’m stuck between. I once had purple hair. Yes, no joke. It wasn’t the purple I wanted, but it was fun enough to make me content. Now, 4 years later I want to do something fun with my hair again!

Look at that colour vibrancy!

I’ve had these photos saved on my computer and Pinterest for some time and every time I see them, I want to try this cool ombre effect. I know ombre is getting old, but who cares, the pop of colour at the ends is fun!
Can we just take a moment to admire how gorgeous this turquoise is?


My biggest fears are how it would look on my texture hair and with my skin tone… But I still love it! Is my hair even long enough for this?


I would love to do something like this with just the ends though. Not my entire head. Maybe mix the ombre, so I have a bit of violet and a bit of turquoise like that.


Hmm, so tell me what you think. Could I rock these bright, crazy colours? Would you?

To Her With Love- Fragrance & Nails

Hey all! I’m back to give you a few more ideas on what to get your girlfriend this Christmas. I’ll try to be as brief as possible because I have some studying and sleeping to do hahaha.

Nail polish is a nice easy gift once you know the colours or brand your lady is into. It’s always fun to get a new nail polish to try out and play with.  Not every girl might like nail polish but, every girl loves perfume right? And there’s one to suit every woman out there, and your tastes too guys. Like I have been saying in basically every post, the item you choose depends on your loved one’s personality and tastes.

Gift Ideas- Fragrance & Nail Polish
Ever realised how many perfume bottles lately are blushtones or purple? 

Pay attention to what she’s wearing or carrying in her purse. At some point she’ll be talking about some random fragrance she fell in love with, while shopping with her friends.

Although you may prefer certain scents on your woman, it makes no sense buying her something that she wont like. Go on the advise of her friends, or see what she’s been spraying on and tell the sales assisstant, they should be able to make a great match.

There are plenty of scent types out on the market, ranging from sweet, fruit, sensuous, musky, floral and then there are even combinations of these basic types. It’s up to your girlfriend’s preferrence of scent and the names are self explanatory.

Not only scent types, but different intensities and mediums of fragrance. There are perfumes in the form of Eau de Toilette, Eau de Parfum, Body mists, hand creams, lotions, body butters and the list goes on. If you want the overall lasting scent from head to toe, the best way to go is with a gift set. Happy Scent Shopping!

Unlike fragrance, Nail polish migh tnot suit every woman’s tastes and sometimes it might not be a very practical gift. But as with fragrance, pay attention to what they’re wearing are raving about. It’s as simple as that!

Happy shopping and until next post! Lots of work to be done..


Breezy Summer Day

Breezy Summer Day

Hey all, I’m trying out Polyvore, and  putting together a few outfits that I’ve thought up. I think this is quite an easy option to test out looks with out actually buying clothes, or having the hassle of not liking an outfit when it’s finally put together.
This is the first outfit I’ve put together and I’m calling it a Breezy Summer day as it is a very easy and effortless look. I got my inspiration from a few clothing items I stumbled upon while shopping recently. These are the closest things I can find to them. The top is flowy and light-weight for the hot summer, and the patterned shorts is the perfect summer punch. I added peach Espadrilles for a more summery feeling and a wicker basket styled bag to tone down all the colours. Sunglasses are definitely essentials for summer, so I added those as well.

Don’t forget to tell me what you think of this outfit in the comments, what would you change about it? Would you even wear it? Try your hand at creating some outfits too, I’d love to see them!