Coming Soon to this blog and more!

Hey all, I feel like I have posted on my blog for a good while! Hope you’re all doing lovely and enjoying your summer!
Recently I have had some ideas to keep my blog and YouTube channel more creative and consistent. Here are a couple of the ideas I came up with.

  • Asian Drama of the Month: I had actually started this on my channel but I had forgot.. and then I couldnt pick a drama each month I did remember. BUT I promise I will try to keep this consistent starting in August. Still trying to figure out if I should do it on my blog or on my YouTube channel.

  • Nails of the Week or Month: This I am really going to try for because I like seeing nail polish on my nails, but I’m lazy to paint it on my nails because I have such a hard time painting -__-. Anyway, I’ll try what I can.

  • Celebrity-Inspired Make up looks: I have always loved to watch these kind of videos and I would really like to try them as well. It’s amazing how gurus are able to create such a close look to the original. I definitely need suggestions for looks to try out, so don’t hestitate to send me some pictures or links.

  • Current Festivals in Barbados: I would like to highlight the happens in Barbados so people know what my island has to offer, I also think its fun to watch vlogs, so this should be interesting. I was going to make a blogpost on Crop Over soon, that should be up by the end of the week and should be a really long post giving a taste of the festival, the music, some basic information etc.

  • Favourites of the Month: This one basically speaks for itself, I’m going to try to have new products that I liked to use during that month. Sometimes I’m sure the products will be the same, but we’ll see how it goes.

Think that’s all for now everyone, any suggestions are greatly appreciated! Thank you all!