EOS Lip balm-Smooth Sphere | Review

IThis product has been raved about all over YouTube and the blog-o-sphere, and now I finally have tried it. But is it worth the hype?

EOS stands for Evolution of Smooth and is the company has some very innovative packaging. When I take this out of my bag (as I can’t keep it in my pocket), people usually stare and wonder what it is. A classmate of mine actually stared at me like I was nuts, it was hilarious. Anyway, I definitely give them huge thumbs up for the cute packaging and the way you can apply the balm, that is with your mouth closed instead of that weird open mouth thing us ladies do.

The lip balm that I have is a part of the limited edition Alice in wonderland collaboration with Disney, and is the flavour “Blueberry Potion”. I love the scent and taste of this lip product and apparently, the ingredients are natural and organic (i.e. good for you and none of the commercial nasties), not that it makes a huge difference to me, I’m studying Science and exposed to chemicals on a weekly basis.

It’s a colourless fomula that leaves a slight gloss on the lips and it feels very lightweight. On first application, it takes quite a bit of rubbing to warm up the product, but it smooths on very easily after the initial uses. It is a moisturing lip balm, but it’s just not as good as my Maybelline Baby lips, nor as long lasting, but the sweet taste does linger. However, the scent dissipates pretty fast. Maybe it doesn’t last as long because the Baby Lips is thicker though.

My lips are smooth, but not as smooth as I would like. I still am experincing some dryness around the corners, which makes me go back to my favourite, the Baby Lips. I think I wuld have liked this more, if I hadn’t tried the Maybelline first, but alas Maybelline has stolen my love.

Also I realised since there is no SPF in this one, that my lips have been looking quite dark and dismal.. 😦

The Verdict:

  • Good amount of product
  • Moisture in one or two swipes
  • Tastes yummy
  • Gives a bit of sheen
  • Lips are relatively smooth
  • Cute, innovative packaging
  • Twist-off lid
  • Ingredients are 95% organic and 100% natural


  • Packaging though bright and fun may not suit all ages
  • Bulky for stroage (too big for pockets)
  • Not the most moisturising lip balm there is
  • Not available in Barbados
  • Limited Edition flavour

The Raw Sugar:
I would repurchase this simply for the novelty of the packaging and the taste. It’s not the most moisturising lip balm, but it is fun. Not worth the all hype about being the best, just is cute and “organic”. I love my Baby Lips more, but maybe the other lip balms they have are better, since some are medicated, others had sunscreen, etc.

Where you can find it: EOS website
Drugstores (USA)

Giveaway haul!

Hey all! I was lucky enough to win the Pretty (Squared) giveaway for Christmas! I was so happy and grateful to have won, they are two sisters who share a blog. AND they are extremely nice! Go check out their blog, they give some really informative reviews and tons of great posts!

I’ve never won anything that I’ve entered online, so I was super stokedwhen I got the email. A lot of the products in this giveaway, had been raved about my other bloggers and beauty gurus, and I had always wanted the chance to try them out. To see what all the hype was about, you know?

I’ll probably do full reviews on a some of them and mini reviews on others. The prize pack included:

  • American Apparel Nail lacquers in “Lipstick” and “Hunter”
  • Wet N Wild Trio in “I’m Getting Sunburned” and “Don’t Steal My Thunder”
  • EOS lip Sphere in “Blueberry Potion” (LE collaboartion with Disney)
  • Revlon Lipbutter in “Raspberry Pie”
  • Target make up bag FILLED with samples (YAY!)
  • Snowflake ornament (very cute and glittery indeed)

If you didn’t know, I love samples and it’s not often that you can get samples in Barbados, unless you buy somethign and even so, it depends where you buy. So if they had just sent me a make up bag of samples I would have been very excited and grateful. HOWEVER, I got even more than that! I’ve always hear so much hype about the EOS lip spheres and the Wet N Wild Eyeshadows and finally I own some!

Lately I’ve been testing out the EOS lip sphere, so stay tuned for a full review on it. Also I’ve been using the Wet N Wild trio in “I’m Getting Sunburned”, during the day since it’s more neutral than the “Don’t Steal My Thunder”. I have been posting pictures to my Instagram of my daily face make up, so hit me up on there if you would like to see what I’m up to. (It’s taken over from my twitter, which has been harder to post pics on, from my tablet.) Finally I’ve been really liking my new lip butter, I previously had the “Candy Apple Red” one, but this is a nice shade also.

Thank you again Mackenzie and Miranda!!