Back to school ESSENTIALS! ♡

Aside from the books and all the other stationery you should be carrying for school, here’s what I think would be useful in any make up bag!

I barely carry any make up, just not my thing when it comes to school. I don’t have the patience to be in bathrooms reapplyign anything. I just like to get to classes on time and chill in my free time. It’s college anyways, so what if your eyebrows aren’t done?

One thing you always should have in your bag, whether a guy or girl, is a MIRROR. I don’t mean so you can stare at yourself forever more, but there are certain things you should always be able to check on. Like your teeth after having lunch or a snack. How embarrassing is it to be chatting up a girl or to be talking to a cute guy and there’s remnants of lunch staring them in the face? (Don’t forget chewing gum or tooth paste is also very important.)

If you want to know what else I think is essential for any make up bag, then check out my video below!