Perk up your skin with Coffee

I was having my usual morning coffee on Monday, and most times I would have instant rather than the ground type. But since I had run out of the former, I was had to use the French press coffee maker. When I came to wash the coffee maker, I felt like I was wasting those precious beans, so I decided to google some ways to get more uses out of my coffee. Bet you didn’t know that coffee could be a part of your beauty regiment huh?

Despite the jitteriness some of us feel after having a cup of coffee, the caffeine could be good for your skin once applied topically.  You can use it to brighten your complexion, diminishing dark circles or even reduce the appearance of varicose/spider veins. Coffee is also full of antioxidants, so it’s good to drink, but with moderation.

I can’t wait to try these recipes!

Coffee Facial mask for Brightening the complexion:

Version 1 :


  • 4 tablespoons of ground coffee (organic and not of the “instant coffee” variety)
  • About ¼ cup of whole milk
  • 1 tablespoon of honey (Olive oil or lemon juice as alternatives)
  • Mix the ingredients together and add more or less ground coffee or milk to achieve a paste of your desired consistency.
    You use your fingers to apply the paste in a gentle circular massaging motion all over your face. Avoid the lips but make sure to put a bit under your eyes. Not only will the paste exfoliate, but the motion will also heighten circulation of the blood vessels beneath the skin’s surface.
    Leave on for 20 mintues, then rinse off and pat face dry. Your face will be feeling tighter and clean, and there should be a glow to the skin.

    Version 2:

    Used Coffee Grounds
    Cup of milk

    Combine the ingredients until you get a thick paste, you may add an egg white to help with exfoliation. Apply to face avoiding both eye area and lips, and leave on for 20 minutes, massaging while it is on. Rinse it off and as you rinse, continue to rub gently, especially if your skin is sensitive. Pat your face dry then apply moisturiser. Your skin should feel refreshed and glowy.

    Mind you coffee’s not a complete miracle product, there are still a lot of dangers associated with it and thus it should be consumed in moderation. According to this article, moderate intake is at most 24 oz. daily (250mg of caffeine).

    Are you going to try either of these recipes?
