Nivea Extra Gentle Eye Make-up Remover REVIEW

I recently purchased the Nivea Extra Gentle Eye Make-up remover from Collins pharmacy (maybe mid October). It was pretty affordable and you got a good set of product, so I wanted to give it a try.

First off you get 125mL of product which is a good volume considering you just need a small amount on a cotton pad or cotton ball. NOTE this is specifically for EYE make up, I’m sure it removes other make up too, but you’d need more than that to do it. Compared to the other bottles I saw in the pharmacy, this looked like it had in the most product. I would say this was a good deal for about $12BDS.

The packaging in nothing special or even fancy. Just a simplistic bottle, flip-top cap wich is easy to open. The scent of solution reminds me so much of baby wipes or baby shampoo. Definitely something baby-related, but a clean scent. The ingredients are listed at the back and as far as I read, it’s not oil-based, water is the main ingredient.  It does as it says, “removes make-up and mascara with no greasy residue”. It also says it contains Provitamin B5, but I’m not to certain on the effect that would have on the eye area. I should probably research that.

I usually wear mascara and sometimes a highlight colour to school and it makes quick work of removing it and is relatively gentle. I say relatively because my eyes are not as sensitive as some others but depending on the mascara I use, I may sense a slight tingling when removing my eye make up. Even for that pesky residue of mascara on your bottom, that just never wants to come off, (oh the trials of wearing mascara on the lower lashline!) this product actually removes it all. Given that you take the 5 seconds to let sit and then wipe it away, if not you may be scrubbing it off. Not so great for the eyes.

It always works well for a full set of eyeshadow, I just happen not to wear those as much, because it takes too much time daily, I have to get out the door and go. Amazingly enough, this remover actually was able to effectively remove my Coastal Scents liquid eyeliner, which was quite a hassle for my Simple Eye Make up remover and the make up remover wipes I was using previously.

The Nivea Eye make up hasn’t broken me out and is actually recommended for all skin types. This product actually leaves my lashes feeling soft, and I’m guessing that’s because of the conditioners. Also I haven’t seen any abnormal amount of lash shredding while using this product.

The Verdict:

  • Affordable
  • Good amount of product
  • Only need a small amount for usage
  • Clean scent, not over powering
  • No greasy residue
  • Conditions lashes


  • I don’t think I have any for this product; yet to test for waterproof products.

The Raw Sugar:
For some one as tired (or lazy) as me when I get home, this product is great for quickly removing your make up then drifting off to sleep without worry. It was affordable, even for a student on a budget AND it is a lot of product for the money. I may end up using this until December or January even. Definitely recommend this product!

Where you can find it:
Collins Pharmacy (Barbados)

Btw, check out my blog siggy 🙂 yes, I am a huge fan of candy corn!

Disclaimer: This product review was not sponsored, I purchased this with my own money. This is my HONEST opinion on this product.