To Her with Love- Jewellery & Literature

Hello!! I should actually be sleeping or studying right now, but I’ve had this gift ideas seriesgoing on for quite sometime and would like to finish in time for Christmas Eve. Last minute shopping is always the most crazy!

Still trying to figure out what to get your girlfriend? How about a classic like JEwellery. Of course remember to stay within your price range because many times after Christmas we are all broke, but the world still goes on and we still have stuff to pay for.

Ladies love jewellery

I’m not going to speak too extensively on types of jewellery pieces or quality, because I’m definitely not an expert on it, haha. But do get her something nice, that she’d like. As I’ve said all along this series, pay attention to what she’s wearing and you’ll get a good idea of what to buy. Some women really like delicate pieces while others like more bold statement jewellery. Always ask the sale representative to help you out, that’s what they’re there for, and most times they do a great job at it.

Ladies Love Literature

From very young, girls love reading. I guess it’s just one of those things that doesn’t change over time. One girl may prefer romantic novels over a fashion magazine or a crafty DIY book, but the bottomline is women love to read.

You can get your girlfriend a year-long magazine subscription, or that boxed set of her favourite series so she can read all the sequels. You can get electronic books even, I’m sure with the right book, she’ll love her gift.

A nice touch is adding a bookmark with a little note from you, she’ll cherish it forever. OR you could write in the front of the book, but I wouldn’t suggest that in case she wants to recycle her books or even return the book if she already as it.  With a bookmark, she can always have it in every book she reads.

I hope you’re all enjoying your Holidays thus far… Mine haven’t officially started. I have 2 more exams… sigh :(. But anyway… just 2 more posts on gift ideas. One more for the guys and finally a post on last minute gifts. (Might put a round -up after I’m finished)

Happy Christmas!